
The clubs I am in have been scrambling to get work done. It has given me an excellent opportunity to learn something I have always wanted to: welding! Being busy has also led to more unique experiences, which I will explain.

For a brief moment, we had a lot of snow. About a foot fell overnight. And then it melted. And then for another brief moment, we had another foot! So we made the most of it. Try though I may, the leaf blower was not a useful counter against powder snow. But that powder quickly turned to packing snow, so we engineering students got busy.

Besides volunteering at VEX competitions, the Robotics Club has actually been busy building a bot of their own. This one is for the NASA Lunabotics mining competition. We have been building systems to test in the large sandbox that we finally filled in. It was cold, but that is sand dust in the air. Just imagine being the only one to have knives on-hand to cut the sandbags open.

We have debated over how to deliver the extracted gravel from our automatic digging bot. The platform is high, so to give us more options, I designed a W-shaped bucket to go on our chain digger. This will allow the robot to scoop in both directions. I have a few design modifications I’ll make if we decide to use them… and they will be made neater. The idea today is to produce as many variations as possible to test.

Both the Robotics Club and the Society of Automotive Engineers club needed work done, so it was a great opportunity to sign up for shop training! I was all set to buy a regrettably small mill for myself, when access was suddenly granted to me to use Bridgeport mills, a lathe, drill presses, band saws, and even MIG and TIG welders! I am just laying my first beads, but it feels great!

Some more fun news is this is the last semester people will even be using this shop. By next school year, construction on the new engineering building will be complete!

There is a lot of work to be done for classes and clubs, but it is all for our benefit, and I have an excellent group of people to experience it with. Here’s to geeking and growing!

In light of the fact that it is no longer Thanksgiving, I feel compelled to update you. If you have not seen, I have posted several goofy projects on TikTok as the Aspiring Engineer. You can see some of my day-to-day projects there.

When last I left off, I was planning a key chain sale. The key chains were a hit and we met some great individuals on-campus in the process. The majority of our sales were key chains and not rounds of soccer bots, though. The soccer bots were more work, but also the better learning experience, so I think they paid for themselves. Sorry there is no picture (you can find it on TikTok), but picture an all-black book with wheels near the spine. I whipped up an arena out of wood and a rubber mat, since they tend to get hung up on uneven surfaces. We sold an even amount of all keychains and the Robotics club would be happy to send you one, as well.

Over break, I made a point of finishing at least one project. Besides painting the downstairs bathroom, I managed to optimize my wood burning stove. For $10 in pie plates, I crafted a heat sink that wicks an extra 50-100 degrees Fahrenheit out of the chimney before the remaining 200-400-degree air is lost into the atmosphere. My friend, Jacob, helped me tape together a roll-out insulation wall that cost more than its benefit. I am aware of creosote, but it is not an issue at operating temperature. The real issue is outdoor temperature. My modification works great in 30-degree weather, but has less effect than turning my oven on when I forget to order heating oil in 0-degree weather. Side note: do not leave your oven open to heat your house; I kept mine closed and it safely did its job.

Also over break, I went downhill skiing for the first time. It was, at first, disastrous. Then it was exhilarating. I had even more fun when I realized that my terminal velocity has a greater effect on my speed than the angle of the hill, past a certain degree.

Finally, since being back, I have seemingly struck the jackpot on good professors. We will see if that holds true as the semester progresses, as I have received warning about some, but for now I will blissfully enjoy my ignorance.

The robotics team is back in action. This time, the VEX competition took place right here in Bangor! It is always amazing what kids can do with some metal, motors, and electronics.

While I emceed the battles, Hunter (right) – the guy who is wholeheartedly leading our VEX volunteering – is scoring in real-time on his phone, backed up by Owen (left). Hunter is the head referee and Owen is Scorpion Keg Man.

Thanksgiving break is almost upon us! As such, the most exciting work of the semester is being lumped into this week, so you are in for a treat. In this edition, witness the result of hours of machine labor, weeks of Robotics Club labor, and months of my own labor! There is also a delightful announcement at the end.

Last weekend, I went with three other Robotics Club members to referee a high school VEX Robotics competition. We put in a long weekend of work, but we also had a lot of fun! Besides setting up and tearing down an entire event, I got to emcee the whole thing, another one of us got to referee the whole thing, and the pioneer of Scorpion Keg got to run the camera.

If you have not heard of VEX, it is like those old Erector sets, plus computer logic. That is, strips and plates of pegboard metal that are screwed together, combined with gears, motors, servos, sensors, and whatever else VEX sells. Teams of high schoolers design and put together robots that have to compete to achieve a goal.

This year it was more or less steal-the-bacon with sign posts. I was quite impressed with how the designs turned out and how strategically the students drove them. There were many skillful exchanges and surprise endings. In one case, both of one team’s robots failed but they were so well-positioned, they still won!

I am also beginning to appreciate the determination my clubmate has committed to this Scorpion Keg thing. It is a ridiculous concept, but he used the 3D Printing Club’s resin printer to print some very detailed, spider-legged barrels, slightly larger than a root beer float candy. They looked great and this week, he printed some more keychain-friendly versions on a regular printer. It’s crazy, but he and his namesake are diving right into anything and everything; they see what they do through to the end.

In this week’s Robotics Club meeting, we at least got one push bot moving. We would have had two, but one of the ESCs (a means of controlling a motor) is defective. I thought maybe “Bull Bot” would be a good name, since the goal is to push the other robot, but they made a lot of sense with “S-UMO Bots.” We are working around our lack of funding and the two Scorpion Keg freshmen, and another, took the lead in lending their spare parts and expertise. All I have to do is lay out a game plan and they are halfway done by the time the time I put the dry erase marker down. They have taken this project and run with it and it is awesome to observe.

To recap on our objective, since our club cannot spend its own money without months of red tape, we are having a keychain sale. I have gotten clearance to use the University of Maine’s logos for our student club’s benefit and we will also be featuring a bot pushing competition, since that is the most we can make with the parts we have! Once we have some spending money, it’s on to making battle bots!

On the topic of resin printers, my resin print was finished this week also. In my Embedded Systems course, we have begun working on our final projects. I could start something completely new, but given his requirements of using a communication protocol and some sort of user input and output, I thought I would continue iterating a project I am passionate about. I had to stop because school has kept me busy, but now that it is schoolwork, I have license to keep working on it! The project is the next iteration of my tubular chronograph project.

You may be thinking “that’s cheating,” but I assure you it is not. For the past few years, I have been using that project as a teaching tool and implementing the latest things I learn into it. I started out not knowing a thing about Arduino and my code shows it. Now, I have used several microcontrollers (and a Raspberry Pi, which technically is not) in my courses and I have a lot of tricks to implement. In my original version, I literally “bit banged” the appropriate code and timed it in the program loop (you may have read about this) because otherwise my screen would be too dim. Now I am smart and savvy and know all about i2c communication, have bought the hardware to abstract the low-level processing, and know how to implement interrupts. The Embedded Systems course has required me to test my display, albeit using C; getting it to work for Arduino still required modification. The fact that the course used the same hardware that I had bought for the project is just serendipitous.

I know my sensors work, but have not used any of the individual test files together and will have to start writing it all over again so it is neat, modular, and efficient. I will implement power saving methods. And until this week, I have not had a 3D-printed tube that fits, nor have the sensor prints fit the sensors.

For as long as I have been working on the project, containing my little sensors has been limiting. In my slingshot experiment (whoops, not yet posted – here is the lead-up project), I was able to keep the sensors in-place between every couple of mishaps. My first attempts at making a sensor envelope failed, and this one came close. On the left of each picture above, you see a beautiful, extremely high-precision resin-printed part. It feels a little rubbery on the outside, just the way I hoped it would. On the right is a red print I threw in while we were waiting for resin to arrive. I had to think outside of the box of how I would implement it in the chronograph design. It is burned and deformed on one side and the resolution is much lower. As luck would have it, my sensors fit the red one because the tabs are still too detailed on the resin print. Here’s to putting my eggs in different baskets! I cannot wait to get it working.

At work, I was back in the Moonshine Shop this week. My code apparently did not work, so I got right to business. It took me half a day of troubleshooting to discover that not one, but two of the encoders that report how far a motor has turned were bad. After that, my untested code actually ran great! I would call that a win. Soldering tiny stranded wires together left something to be desired, but I found some hacks… and made the connections infinitely better than they had been. While I cannot comment on what exactly is going on, I can say that I feel at least as impressed by the ingenuity this project exhibits as I am by the maker of Scorpion Keg. In either case, I am just along for the ride.

One last bit of news… I have accepted an internship for next summer with the company at the top of my list! …and several of my classmates’ lists, apparently! I will be designing industrial machines and am excited by what there is to learn and by whom I get to work with. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

It has been some time since my last post, so I must catch up. There has been lots of schoolwork, but it seems that being back in-person has helped my retentiveness. I am able to study with friends, do labs in-person, ask questions, and engage during lecture. Granted, I mostly sit in the front row, so I am constantly meeting people for the first time who say “you’re that guy from my class!” and I have no idea who they are.

Several weeks ago, I was just doing my job when I was asked to shorten shelves. That seemed fairly easy, so I took a look. They were not just any shelves. They were shelves that are made of 140 little pipe segments, each of which had to be shortened by an inch so the buckets they contained would rattle less as they rolled. I asked to be scanned into the tool room and was told that the manual pipe cutters and hex keys were good enough.

Thankfully, one of the maintenance men walked by and found my state amusing. Still, instead of getting the Sawzall, he returned from the tool room with a jig saw and promised it also cut metal. I really miss that band saw they threw out. Several teeth of the jigsaw broke off, so the saw jumped out of the cut quite often, but I did get one shelf done in about eight hours. I found a fitting bit for the impact driver, which helped tremendously.

The following week, I borrowed a machinist’s key card and fetched the Sawzall myself. In two hours, I had all of the pieces of the next shelf disassembled and cut, and was beginning to reassemble them before I left. Someone finished reassembling and loading the buckets during that week, to my delight.

Prior to the shelf project, I had been coding an Arduino to read the temperature from a thermistor. I had not done that before but the machinist-turned-Moonshine Shop-guy had ordered the necessary analog-digital converter already, so I just had to solder some things and stitch together some prefab software libraries.

This week, you’ll never guess what my lab was for Embedded Systems… that’s right, I made a real-time temperature display! Funny how the world works, isn’t it?

In the Robotics Club, we got right to work debating how our battle bot should operate… for two weeks straight. Design is fun but if you never prototype, you never can say what works. I advocated for a frying pan-based design (durable, yet lightweight aluminum that you can find at any Goodwill!) and had a shopping list for the week set. That is, until I realized we cannot spend the money we have! It is all tied up by rules of which vendors it can be spent at and will take months to process. The parts we have give us enough for motors, wheels, and anything we want to 3D print, but the batteries never came and we have no motors for the weapons (or weapons, for that matter).

The next meeting, I proposed a 3D-printed “bake sale” involving key chains and pusher-bot rentals, and everyone got right to work! The freshmen are surprisingly efficient at using a CAD; they made my head spin! At the end of the day, we got to design for a purpose, and that felt good. If you are interested in unofficial UMaine keychains, including a robot with moving wheels or the “Scorpion Keg” design that somehow became a fascination, go ahead and reach out! Every dollar we make will go towards starting a battle bots program.

In other news, I have been required to secure an internship to keep my scholarship. The scholarship comes from an industry that is oriented towards chemical engineers, so most of the jobs I can interview for are in departments I did not anticipate. However, there were a few new additions to the company pool this year and I now have my pick of several machine design positions! I look forward to what the future has to offer.

My last trip into work was a fun one. Instead of continuing to drill down on vague manufacturer-specific machine instructions, I was surprisingly asked to go back to the Moonshine shop. When I got there, I was shown an Arduino, a thermistor, and a light pole.

All they wanted me to do was get a 24-Volt light to flash when the temperature of their new project fell outside the thresholds. They fed me a chicken sandwich and a shake. I said yes.

Therefore, I am once again coding an Arduino to display “blinking light”… never underestimate those early lessons!

The harder part was getting the light pole to work… it took an intern, engineer, and Moonshiner to figure out which wires to short to turn the light on… but we got it!

Today, I decided to eat lunch outside. The weather is still nice and the mall is beautiful. For the second day in a row, I was beelining towards a shady picnic table and someone swiped it before I got there. Today, I decided we were going to be friends.

I sat down and met Hank. Hank is a mechanical engineering senior here. He and I compared experiences with professors and our academic interests. I am glad we met.

Just like Tazin from the Tabletop Engineering Four-Way Interview, Hank reiterated that engineering school teaches a mindset of problem solving above all else. He also confirmed that the professor makes or breaks a class. I have been experiencing that first-hand since I switched Strength of Materials professors.

Hank’s senior project is collaborating on an Antarctic windmill that will power several research camps. They decided that using a diesel generator while studying climate change was a bit hypocritical.

Now a guy from the Fencing Club has come to the table so I’ll be getting back to the true college experience! That is, students building community.

We at Black Bear Robotics are very excited to begin work on our entry to NASA’s Robotic Mining Competition. This year we will be mining the “moon,” which they will simulate at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Should we be accepted, we will compete with teams across the United States for the highest score. It is very hard to maximize our score without a means of testing our robot, so this Saturday, the whole team got together and built… a giant sandbox. If you want to see a filmed TikTok build montage, you can view it here.

Alumnus Drew and current President Zoe have been building this club from the ground up and I am proud to be accomplishing great things with them as the vice president. The test bed is designed to mimic the important parts of the field that NASA will host.

Our robot will be scored on its weight and autonomy. Ideally, it will figure out where it is relative to the “base,” then travel down the field, dig a foot down, and extract gravel that simulates lunar regolith. It then must make its way back to deposit the gravel (sand is not scored) onto a raised platform where it began. Along the way, the robot must not get stuck in the powdery sand, nor fall into any hazards dug by the course keepers or other robots.

This spring, we will fill the box with sand so it is still fluffy by the time we test the robot. We came together as a team to implement the plans laid by last year’s president and vice president. I was extremely impressed how everyone (including many new members) came together and built this oddly-shaped arena, and finished it ahead of schedule! Great job, team.

I can’t wait to build robots with this team!

School has started! It is so much fun to see my peers again and even moreso in-person! I can now see the faces that are behind all of the group Snaps, or actually sit next to the people who stopped by to buy an [expletive] Pearson bracelet from me.

The first week has gone by quickly. I was hoping to be more prepared, but that’s what happens when one works every day of the week, right up to the start date of school. Thankfully, I have dropped the weekend job in favor of continuing my internship one day a week. I am very much looking forward to having my weekends back. In fact, I will be using this weekend to build the world’s largest sandbox-on-stilts to test our future NASA Lunarbotics robot! That starts in about half an hour so I will keep this brief.

I am excited about many things. Fencing Club, Swim Club, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Club, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Club, and Robotics Club (of which I am now the vice president!) are all starting up. I am also in a 400-level Embedded Systems class where we are going to use Raspberry Pis. I have been focused on microcontrollers so far… I have coded a lot in C (and NC since the summer), but not yet Python, nor have I touched a Pi yet.

We had a very successful club fair this year. If 10% of our sign-ups actually show up, our club size will double! I am excited to get started on building the NASA bot, three-pound battlebots, and a T shirt laucher robot, and so are they! I have a giant sandbox to build, so I will leave you with pictures.

I made a TikTok called Aspiring_Engineer, so if you want to see our progress, I will be posting there!

Time has been moving slowly and quickly over the summer, all at the same time! Now that my NC program is polished and ready to be put on the machines when they are between jobs, days stretch when my projects need answers and summer still flows past unapologetically. The past few weeks have had some interesting points.

When I returned from my two-week vacation home (that’s right, I actually took one!), I discovered it was my assignment leader’s week off. Not being one to twiddle my thumbs for eight hours, I went to the newly-finished Moonshine shop to see what I could do. Having a lack of anything else for me, the engineer there told me I could fix an industrial 3D printer that I’ve never used.

Beggars cannot be choosers, so I followed my intern compatriot into the ice-cool 3D printer booth so he could demonstrate why the double-wide refrigerator-sized machine would not render his creation in its microwave-sized printing box. The display was lit but blank and the red and green buttons would only change the pace at which the other lit up. Turning the machine off and on and unplugging it did nothing, so he left as I called the number on the machine.

While on the phone, I was asked whether I had turned off the UPS yet. Finally, I felt capable! I know what an uninterrupted power supply looks like from my days as an internet installation technician and located one in a box next to the machine, uninstalled. He had me uninstall the side panels on the machine to look inside… eventually I figured out that once the screws are loose, the panels slide off. Underneath the insulated printing box was a whole array of circuit boards, the power supply, and a metal box he referred to as the “computer box.”

After struggling to understand where the extra cables were that he was talking about, I noticed that there was, in fact, a UPS buried under the circuit boards. I jammed myself behind the machine and used my phone camera to locate the UPS power switch and finally powered the unit down. Unplugging the machine did nothing because that’s the whole point of a UPS; it is a battery backup. Essentially, all that we had to do was “turn the machine off and on again,” as is any tech support person’s opening line.

Triumphantly, I brought my coworker back in. He told me he knew what to do once it was on, but I used the knowledge of CNC interfaces I had gained working on my coding project to warm up the nozzle so he could get the print plate off. When I asked the engineer what to do next, all he could say was “honestly, I thought the printer would take you a little longer.”

We had been kicking around ideas for getting metal chips out of a very narrow, L-shaped channel that had to be drilled. My coworker was printing his complicated ideas, but I wondered why we should even allow there to be chips in the first place?

Having nothing better to do, I set about making a simple proof-of-concept. My thought was, why not open all possibilities? By eliminating the need for chip extraction, I was now allowing for a problem to exist. The plan was to have a filler material that the drill bit could pass through (only about an eighth of an inch thick) that would be removed when the drilling was done and take any chips with it. I also toyed with having an eighth-inch ring inserted around the drilling area before drilling to pull out the chips that would be flung inside the chamber.

I quickly realized I did not have access to any of the useful machinery. Even if I snuck it, the band saw was gone. I fished an aluminum beam out of the trash and took a hack saw to it lengthwise. As I was cutting, the nearby machinist said “when your arms get tired, there’s a Sawzall in the materials room.” Of course! It was a little messier but saved me a lot of sweat.

As with any worthwhile project, I had a point at which I considered scrapping the whole thing. It turns out sheet metal screws insert more debris into an eighth inch of aluminum than they are worth. I tailgated back into the materials room to get some self-tapping screws, which satisfyingly pulled all three strips together.

Test Tokens

When I tested it, the idea worked flawlessly. I had taken some test tokens to the grinder and shaved them down to perfectly wedge their way between the strips. I thought my presentation was top-notch.

While waiting to present the idea to the Moonshine engineer, my fellow intern (the one who was rendering complicated solutions on the 3D printer, as his training is CAD-based) was curious. For sheer amusement, I kept him guessing and the closest he got was a kalimba.

I presented to the engineer and he was not inclined to improve the idea. That’s how it goes, but I was happy to have gotten a viable idea presentable in less than half a day!

My “Kalimba

When I thought I was completely out of things to do, my assignment leader, who returned this week, threw “a great project” my way. I dug right into it. My first CAD project in school was modeling a tool vise. Ironically, my second big CAD project is also modeling a tool vise (this one is pneumatic). I got pretty far with my own models before I was emailed some fancy manufacturer’s models, which admittedly look much better. Today, I completed my version of the vise itself, which does look rather nice if I say so myself.

Also today, the technician I hired to update our controls for a house-sized CNC mill showed up. It seems a minute detail, but I discovered that, contrary to the 1994 machine with the name-brand controls I have been coding, the bitwise indicators on this are read in descending order… an unmentionable amount of money later and the technician was still on his way. Should I tell my boss the ultimate result?

Update: looking over the invoice, it appears they took pity on me and waived most of the charges. What luck!

Have I got stories this week! It turns out this is a small world, after all. But first, here is what my team and I accomplished.

Our challenge was to keep the operators from having to lift hundred-pound parts out of a crate with a crane, since that ties up cranes and is inherently slow. Another team, the one with most of the people on my previous team, was responsible for getting the part out of the crate. We thought that would also mean elevating the part, but that responsibility came back to my team.

This week, we had been encouraged to use a tube system that reminds me of a life-sized Erector set, but with painted steel tubes instead of slotted steel strips. My first task was to strip a tubular cart that had been made for a previous application and resize it for our purposes. That was before I got chased off of the stationary machines because the safety guy was there. In fact, I was getting downright annoyed by people telling me what I could and could not use, even hand tools and walking across the grass. They don’t even have a program in-place to certify us, so I would appreciate some salutary neglect. The guy who chased me off cut a lot of metal for me after that.

We had another brainstorm about how to elevate the piece on the cart. The sessions are actually quite biased towards what we think would be best, despite the points system (who assigns the points?). In the end, what we thought we ought to use was thrown out because the points did not reflect the complicated implementation.

Midweek, I was assigned to make a lifting platform, once the elevation task came back to us. I had two days and a conference call on the afternoon of the second day, but what is time, really? I decided to make a pulley system with what little resources we had. The machinist suggested the below setup, which makes for an excellent wheel but would require some welding to attach it to the pipe. Given the whole tools certification and that I can’t weld, and weigh in the fact that I needed two on a shaft and there were only makings for one meant that I had to get creative.

I raided the stash in the building I work, per the suggestion of my assignment leader. I found enough parts to make two pulley drums. Though they do not appear as elegant as the machinist’s solution, they allowed me to get on with the project a lot faster. Keep in mind that these are mock-ups; they are a proof-of-concept that shows a method to be viable, though may not actually lift the full real-life weight.

I got my contraption all built before I decided to check out the installation site in the next building. I couldn’t even test it until then and it of course, there was plenty to fix the following day.

Given how difficult it is to haul all of that to the installation site just to test it every time I add something, I found a quicker way to test was to just install it at-height on the back of our machine mock-up. I got brownie points for doing so. It only took a half day to revise the lift. Angling the ramp just right with a table saw caused a fair amount of smoke… that’s okay, though, because no one was in that tool shop to chase me away.. Here is the lift in all its glory!

All in all, I think I accomplished a sufficient amount of work on my own, since there were four people working on the cart. That said, they did quite a bit to the cart. My favorite failed attempt involved using spray foam as a slide guide, but they moved far beyond that!

They had to go to the store for the pulley wheels and pirated a discarded linear guide to make it work. I’m not sure it is completely Moonshine-approved, but how else do they expect us to lift a hundred pounds on a tube frame cart? Take it from me, that was my first (failed) project of the week.

Speaking of my projects, that handy table in the right picture is another thing I was tasked with. The top swings open, but by the time I was done building it, they no longer wanted it. That’s about how the week went, which is why I am pleased that we still wound up with two working systems!

Now for the fun story. To years ago, I went on Marketplace to buy a lawnmower. It was cheap, so I did not entirely mind that it worked for a season and a half and then stopped.

While we were eating lunch in a brainstorming session, the machinist let on that he sells lawnmowers and has a few left. Needing one, I eventually got in touch and bought one. Looking through old messages, it turns out he is the guy who sold me the first lawnmower! Who would have thought I would end up working with the guy who sold me my first mower in this state?

Just a reminder, some of my friends were unaware that you can get emails when I post things. Just pick a feed, click into the post, and there is a subscribe button at the bottom. I only post occasionally, so it is a good way to stay in-touch!

Today I was in the moonshine “shop” again! I used quotations because the shop is still yet to be, but the tool room is in shambles as a result. I had a good few weeks, and this moonshine operation actually has me working next to the group I was previously in.

My current group consists of the machinist from last time, my assignment leader, and a few others, presumably machinists. The other group is made of the lead engineer from last time, the two interns, the safety guy, and the friendly guy near my original cube that I have not mentioned. My group has already made some fast strides and we are preparing to mock-up the second part of the process. There is lots of laughter and people take the time to understand each other’s ideas, which I value. As usual, the machinist has some extremely practical ones!

We have a lot to catch up on, so let’s start where we left off. First, the fixture my group and I designed last time was tested and is nearing implementation. We are all very proud. Second, that horrible PowerPoint I started my first week has been transferred to the intern I found a monitor for. Hey, I equipped her with a Monitor, well-organized spreadsheet, and most of a PowerPoint; the rest is up to her! In other news, my high-importance project is the most boring and has the last documentation; I need to migrate data to a system that no one knows anything about.

I have been chipping away at the boring project, but I’d like to at least finish one while I am here. Therefore, I have spent a lot of time plugging away on the numerical control (NC) coding project. I digested all of the code, finally! There were some strange system variables that I could not find in the manual and some even stranger uses of them in conjunction with mystery variables that neither the program nor the machine operator knew of. I had a big Eureka moment when I was iterating through the instructions on the actual machine, rather than relying on the printout I was given. And there it was; the printout omitted the introduction of the mystery variables. And finding that line also meant finding the circular dependency that was giving them perfect data without fail! I used the context to then figure out the remaining system variables. It took a whole day of banging my head and calling maintenance to upload the first rendition of the program because the two identical machines are set up differently and the manual leaves important parts out. The good news: the program is updated and the output actually changes with the part, now. The bad news: the information being measured is still inaccurate, even when the measuring device and the part being measured are dead-on. There are still some offsets I have to find the root of and I will inevitably need a different measuring tool to make those offsets obsolete. But I’ve made a huge amount of progress and the problems are what make that worth celebrating!

I have been nervous about the pace of my projects and that they are not getting done very quickly. I will share some compliments that put me at ease these past few weeks. The machine operator for the CNC mill I am working on has been a great companion and makes me feel better about trying potentially costly new things, since he knows the machine well enough to prevent much damage from being done. One day, he was very interested in why the machine was screwing up and I insisted that we run it line by line, leading me to solve the problem of the mystery variables. He congratulated me and told me I would make a great detective!

Occasionally, I get to see my assignment leader (AL). He is, of course busy with many things. He is laid-back, but one never knows what he is thinking. In the two times he has stopped by the last few weeks, he told me that he is impressed with how quickly I picked up on the NC coding (I knew nothing about any of the projects he assigned at the start). When I told him I felt like I had nothing to show besides half of a PowerPoint, he told me, “the first three to four weeks are usually slow because interns are just getting their laptops to work, waiting for approvals, and getting set up. In terms of staying on top of things, your work ethic, and your intelligence, you’re doing just fine.” He doesn’t say much usually, so when he said that, I felt good that he was paying attention and that he respected my progress!

Today, he gave me credit in an unexpected way. We were trying to mock up a way to hold our given part, which is anything but linear. He wanted to get a cross-section printed out, so we all gathered around his malfunctioning laptop. By nearly lunchtime, we still did not have a printout, so I figured such precision was unnecessary for a wooden mock-up. I looked around for some way to trace the cross-section instead. Seeing only nonrigid wires and no wire snips in our metal waste bin, I went back to the other building where we had dug out some cardboard from. In that metal waste bin, I found load straps and brought them back. I couldn’t find anyone in the group, so I commenced to molding the strap to the part and tracing the cross-section.

After lunch, my AL got on a conference call with the LEAN leader, who can be quite particular. In order to impress the leader, he said “most groups would have spent time looking for a CAD solution, but we used this to trace the part.” He looked up from the screen and gave me a nod and a grin. “He loves that stuff,” my AL explained after the call.

Speaking of my assignment leader, he was the one I had to get approval from to use the stack of Arduinos left in my office, even though he works in another building. That is how many hats he wears. What interests me is that there is no irrelevant project. Often, using an Arduino makes me think it’s just kid stuff, that maybe I will learn to program real microcontrollers someday. But here I am at one of the world’s biggest companies, grabbing an Arduino from some Great who sat in my chair before me, experimenting and Googling to find enough information to use some sensors to light up LEDs for part of the CNC project. Blinking Light is literally part of my intern project.

I realized that in school, there is a very small scope of what can and should be done. That leads me to think that I have to be the best at what is presented or to do what nobody else does. Really, though, it is a boon to work with people who know more than I do and it is awesome that there are so many people who can do very similar things that I can. That’s because there are so many projects in the world that we can all enjoy and be part of. Even though they are similar in scope, they can be new or enjoyable to any given person. We can still be autonomous and vital to our organizations for doing them and we are not tied to the project for life; if we decide to move on, someone else can take our place and use the documentation [hint, hint] that we so thoughtfully left behind. There is so much to enjoy and it’s okay to be anywhere along the way.

Today was back to work as usual. We got about 90% of the way through machining and implementing our moonshined solution and the full-timers will continue doing that this week while we interns do intern stuff.

I actually felt a lot better about my work today. As it turns out, the key to success as an intern is not knowing all of the answers, but knowing how to find them. Last week, I got a few tips about learning CNC code from the machinist I was working with and eventually got enough background knowledge to take a stab at Googling things. That seems to be the basis for everyone’s coding knowledge that I talk to, as there is no “manual,” as we are taught to use.

That is, most people cannot find a manual. Once I finished digesting the relevant code, I brought it over to the machine in question and talked to the operator/manager about it. While we were puzzling over why the programmer did what he did, he searched the drawers in front of the machine. Lo and behold! He found a manual all about parameters, which is what we needed! No general manual for the machine, though.

Later in the day, my quest brought me to maintenance. Anyone who had any coding knowledge eventually referred me to them. The fella who came with me to the machine said that people do not expect that maintenance ought to code, but how else can they troubleshoot when the problem is not a broken part? He also reaffirmed that knowing how to find the answer is the most important factor of solving a problem, admitting that he is no master programmer. I applaud that; people like him are an asset to whatever role they perform.

The maintenance man had one more contribution. As I showed him all of the quirks of the program, he also lamented that a manual would be useful. He turned around and searched another set of drawers and procured the Holy Grail: a general numerical control manual for this specific series! Mind you, the machine is from 1980-something, so online resources are not abundant (and free online resources are less so). We will convene together tomorrow to hopefully address the problem, but I feel much better-equipped this week.

Another thing happened today: I scavenged a new office block! More importantly, I moved buildings. I was due to move into the building where all of my projects are, anyways. I decided that today is the day. I packed up whatever office supplies I thought would be useful besides my lonely widescreen monitor, donated a few things to my cubemate, and hit the road. Interestingly enough, the other interns’ cubemate finished his rotation, so she could move to where there are people! My assignment leader might also finally move after a few months of intending to.

The operator/manager showed me a few empty cubes in his office area. He also showed me an actual office; the shop manager had just vacated. I followed his suggestion and moved into that nice office until someone kicks me out. It beats having to squeeze in among piles of someone else’s stuff that I’m not allowed to move… well, less of it, anyways. The best part is that between all of the recently-vacated offices, I was able to assemble the thing I originally ordered: two widescreens and a dock. Good thing I waited! I donated an extra widescreen I found to my old cubemate, who clearly needed it. I thought I would need any of the office supplies I brought with me. That is not the case.

My supplier called right as everyone noticed I had moved into the office, so I missed the opportunity to exchange smart-Alecky comments. On the bright side, I will have more to keep me busy tomorrow, on both accounts.

It is the worst feeling in the world to contribute nothing to a paid position. I am looking forward to being useful this week, now that I am beginning to learn who to talk to and where to look for solutions. Getting paid to learn and figure things out is a dream come true!

There’s an old saying that says if you love what you do, you won’t work a day in your life! This internship has been eye-opening, but this week has been especially fun.

There is a new process improvement strategy from Japan called LEAN. It seems like the new-and-improved Six Sigma. Every so often, the company I intern at takes a whole week to do a LEAN action workout. This actually interrupted my original interview date, so they take it pretty seriously. This week is one such week and my assignment leader fortunately thought we would benefit from participating.

In a LEAN action workout, groups of employees are put together to tackle some efficiency problem. There are varying categories of efficiency; some could be administrative, some are related to process, some are related to engineering (equipment), etc. My group just so happened to get an engineering problem, so instead of staring at spreadsheets all week, we are making wooden models of a fixture we want to improve!

The process itself is supposed to be creative but deliberate. We started by brainstorming ideas and ranking them on a rubric for each design feature. The top three of each feature (e.g. control in this direction, rotation in that direction) were selected for a wooden mockup, to see if the ideas worked as well in real life as they did in our minds. I had no idea that all of these projects I posted were even slightly relevant, but they are! I felt bad for making them out of wood and scraps, but that is exactly what we doing in this impromptu LEAN “moonshine shop.”

In a moonshine shop, the objective is exclusively roughing out new ideas and testing their feasibility, eventually delivering a viable solution. This method is especially helpful for new ideas that look good on a page but have yet to be proven in the real world. Producing a physical model up front could save thousands of dollars in preventing simple errors, like intersecting parts.

I was delighted by the practicality of the machinist that is part of our group. Although we only have access to metalworking machines and tools so far, he still came up with some precise and timely solutions to our problem. Later, the engineer of the group walked in with pneumatic pistons in both hands and rigged them up to our contraption. The other intern and I have been pitching designs and working with the tools we are allowed to, which can be limiting due to red tape and experience.

Some moonshine mockup designs

There are things I encountered in my youth that continue to recur. Some are good, like the knot-tying applications that started in the Boy Scouts. Others are challenges that require building an awareness. One such challenge is when my suggestions are seen as invalid until someone else conceives them later. I recognize that my frustration is mine to manage and is therefore an opportunity for growth. I also recognize that it is just as common for this situation to arise in a high school class project as an engineering workplace.

One solution I had to this issue was to break away and implement my own solution to the given problem on my own. I completed it while the other design was still being worked on. Of the designs below, the right-hand design was eventually abandoned because angled bolts are better at holding half dollar-sized parts than angled two-by-fours. Though neither rendition was selected for the given problem (as they represented the same, discarded solution), a hybrid of both was eventually developed for another application.

Going rogue is rarely so practical, so I will continue to improve my communication skills. As has been independently affirmed by multiple engineers, the keys to success are PowerPoint and communication.

Another pro to this week is free lunch! While my economics degree taught me that there is no such thing as free lunch, I am still happy when food is not on my own balance sheet. Yesterday, I ordered an “Engineer” sandwich (when in Rome…) from a sub shop and was pleased with the results. Today, we ordered from Harvest Moon, which seemed fitting for moonshiners.

Today, we came close to finishing a mockup of all selected solutions put together. I have been given permission to share these designs, but I would rather play it safe and only share the ones we are not using, lest someone decide it is valuable intellectual property in the future.

This week has been spent turning napkin sketches into proof-of-concept designs that will continue to be defined. All in all, we are excited to see our final design work and will continue to iterate it with more substantial materials until the piece is finally implemented, hopefully by the end of the week.

It’s safe to say my first week was slow. I wouldn’t mind but I am always trying to find something to do; I know that the longer I wait to get going, the less projects I can get my hands on.

Small victories included getting an old, square Dell monitor working with a DVI cable and a DVI-HDMI adapter (balanced upon a thick 2000s Visual Basic manual out of respect), the Flat Tire has generally been rolling and not turning off when asleep, and I got a ten-year-old 3D mouse working with an old driver that the IT guy steered me towards!

We, the interns on my half of the campus, have continued meeting for lunch. It is nice to have willful human contact during the day. One thing I will say about the people here in general is that they are good-natured and fun to work with. In fact, including the kayak-making job, I am at a rare point in my life where I work with all decent people! The odds are high, considering that’s true at both companies and I have met many people in a week and a half.

One man I was grateful to meet (again) today was the tech wizard, who was one of the first people I talked to at the internship. We were finishing lunch and I mentioned a project I am finally assembling the pieces for. I had only broad objectives and contact information, so I wandered and talked to the relevant staff until I had something to work with. When I mentioned that to Mr. [humble] Wizard gave essentially a codex of numerical control functions and a website to get the manufacturer-specific functions from! It’s always good to know a wizard, even if he is sworn to deny his wizardry.

Another person I met was my new cube (area) mate! She is another mechanical engineering intern who started a week later than I. She may not know the plight last week of a 62-degree office (I brought a thermometer), but she did end up in a very nice cube with a window that I completely overlooked. I am happy she got the nice one, though, because I will soon move to the next building over, so I can be nearer to the projects I work on. The weather would suggest I don’t have to worry about a cold office in the coming weeks, but my order for a company hoodie did come in today. I will find an opportunity to sport it soon, even if I must make one… actually, if I could find the thermostat, I would not be writing about this.

Today was mostly spent on ever-appearing training and acknowledgements and an internship-specific virtual presentation. Just when the interns think we have completed all required submissions, we get an email saying something is incomplete on a site we have never heard of. It’s just as well, since we are still collecting ourselves the first few weeks, and gathering supplies and information. I do commend the company for having relevant material, both in the training and presentations. It is much nicer than the slapped-together readymade online trainings I have become accustomed to.

Yesterday, one of the two requested monitors made it on-site. My assigned leader (AL) said he would buy me anything they didn’t approve, so if I find I need the (requested) matching monitor and dock to connect it to, I will gratefully take him up on the offer. A laptop screen and widescreen monitor feels pretty good for now. One of the rotation engineers stopped by to see my space and said that one of his managers offered the same, since we need the right tools to do our jobs.

As I wrapped up the new batch of trainings, my AL brought me to a meeting with the people who manage the areas I will be performing projects for. I took notes and was able to get a few questions answered. The projects include setting up a new software system for the floor employees to use, learning and writing computer numerical control (CNC) code, and designing a moving platform for a fixture that’s as wide as I am tall and made of solid steel. They left me a healthy budget, so with all of the information falling into place, it’s time to start running!

This morning, instead of going directly to my cold desk, I decided to start the day at the water cooler.

I first met a machinist-turned-coder. He didn’t want to let on that he might be good at what he did, but I always see his nose to the grindstone when I walk by. I mentioned my mouse misery and he walked into another cubicle and came back with the same style of mouse that failed to work yesterday. I turned it over and there was a USB insert inside! It certainly connects better than the one I tried yesterday, whose USB insert is nowhere to be found. Level up!

I also met the coder who knows things about things. He told me that people don’t take this job to slap something together and hope it works. Anyone who’s worth anything takes this job because it’s interesting and they want to do a good job. He also said of undefined roles that they are a blessing and a curse; you get to choose what you do, even if you don’t know that it’s what they want. He mentioned, however, that the more he worked, the more he realized that if no one spoke up to say it was wrong, it must be alright. He and my classmate continued talking as I wandered back to my desk to start my day.

The coding guru down the hall mentioned that the reason the Flat Tire is so slow may be because it is still running a ton of scans and updates and they may restart if they don’t finish. So, I left my computer locked but awake anytime I was not using it. He restarts his daily.

I had some time with my AL. He invited me to shadow a conference call so I can understand better what is required of the project I am working on. I was surprised by how big of a deal thousandths of an inch is. These deceptively small parts I was cataloging are each worth a week’s pay. He explained that this is not the exciting part of engineering. I had to agree.

After the call, my AL introduced me to an in-house ordering website and showed me how to order a laptop dock, monitors, and a 3D mouse… level up! Hopefully that means I will have a use for them soon.

Instead of grazing at my desk, my classmate invited me to lunch. He filled me in on a lot of things, including that there is a closet in another building with office supplies for the taking. I had a lot more fun today on account of human interaction and I even finished cataloging the parts! Next, I will make a convincing PowerPoint that could be confused as a sedative to a layperson. Good thing I’m here to handle such potent engineering business so no one is knocked out.

One last thing; my tire has been pumped up! After leaving the computer on all day, I restarted and my folder navigation technologically advanced twenty years! Level up!

Time to attack this project so I can get to the good stuff.

Today was the second day of my internship at a fancy-shmancy world-renowned manufacturer. It has been very different than I expected. I am mostly left alone. I regret to inform you that, like my kayak-making job, pictures are prohibited on-campus.

As an aside, you may eventually see exactly what I do at the kayak factory, as a certain power couple from a home improvement network dropped by to document our process. I signed up to work on my day off of school, as the film date serendipitously coincided with our “reading day.” Alas, they moved the film date on account of the weather, since my shift lead was going paddling with them after they were done on the floor. At least I can say “I do that!” while I watch.

Yesterday, my assigned leader (AL) engineer was in his office long enough for him and the IT guy to get my laptop setup and when I returned from an all-intern conference call, he was gone for most of the rest of the day. He did leave me with a project: photograph and document 22 defective parts. I am learning the terminology still, so it is an appropriate first-week project.

Following HR’s prompts and waiting for my slow computer to load have taken most of my time, so no need to worry how fast the project is going yet. My hard disk drive on my own, lesser computer does not take as long to open empty folders, so the only thing I can guess is that the system security makes everything slower. How a computer that can run a CAD program still operates this slowly is beyond me. It is not a virtual machine. On the bright side, I found several things, today, to make my life easier.

Sometime around midday, my AL showed me down the hall to a cluster of empty office cubes. I could set up at any desk. I took the only desk with a window – score! After returning from a quick trip to the factory floor, I began looking around at the other vacant cubes.

Is that a pencil drawer? I have one, too, but it contents consist of plastic forks and pepper packets. Since no one has been here since 2019, according to the previous interns’ PowerPoint printout, no one would mind me scavenging a pencil, pen, and some paperclips. Nor a Bluetooth mouse that still has battery life. These staples may come in handy if I can find a stapler. My phone line is dead, so my [absent] cubemate won’t mind me borrowing his. Someone left behind a foot rest. Rather, they left me a foot rest, and… oh, yes. It is so cold and I did not remember a sweatshirt. They left a working space heater! Now, to see what works.

My cube mate’s phone does not dial out, despite the dial tone. He got me good, that prankster. And that other guy’s mouse will not connect because it appears my computer has no Bluetooth card. He can have it back. But the space heater works, and that’s what counts! All in all, I put together most of a working office cube from looted office supplies. I must admit, I am green with envy that my classmate’s desk on the opposite end of the hall has dual widescreen monitors for his laptop, whereas I cannot even connect an abandoned, square Dell monitor on account of a lacking VGA port. He has proven himself with CAD since January, though. I’m sure I will be equipped for whatever I delve into.

For now, I will simply have to push through this sluggish project. Retroactively, I asked and was told that I am allowed to write scripts, so making 22 folders should take less than 22 minutes in the future. Before I pack it up for the day, I did manage to catch my AL before he logged onto another conference call. He thought that the spreadsheet I made simply to organize the project was a presentable idea! I have something to look forward to tomorrow, then. After sorting pictures without labels on that computer all day, I am happy to have news other than I wasn’t going fast enough (that’s really just in my head). If I am going to endure ten weeks with this computer, it must have a name. Its name is henceforth the Flat Tire.

Once I get organized tomorrow, I will push the Flat Tire as fast as possible to get those pictures into a PowerPoint because my AL showed me around the factory yesterday. He specifically brought me to some computer terminals on swinging arms like you would expect to see in a hangar in Titanfall or the original Star Wars trilogy and asked if I knew any numerical control (NC) code. I looked at the Ms and Gs on the screen and indicated I do not. He gave an overview using a simpler machine and then we moved to a cramped desk with another swinging terminal, all of which was actually attached to the deck of a moving machine. This one had a more-involved terminal than the green cathode ray tube monitor we had just studied. It seems that I might get to take a crack at it, since they want to install a fixture that’s bigger than I am on yet a different CNC machine that can’t quite reach where they want it to. Things are about to get interesting!

Thank you for bearing with me through the busiest semester I have ever had. I now have no homework, so I will be able to write again. My video capabilities will be delayed due to computer repairs, so I apologize for leaving everyone stranded on the river.

What had me so busy? I asked myself that often. I would seem to have a handle on either the regular homework from Calculus II, Physics II, and Chemistry I or the labs and projects from Microcontrollers, Technical Communication, and Chemistry I, but then get clobbered by whichever one I had not accounted for. It was a repeating cycle, but, as I said of last semester, professors also burn out at mid-semester. While our spring break was taken away due to COVID, it did come back as one-off reading days that would screw up most remaining weeks of the semester, which made finishing homework easier due to a canceled lab or recitation here and there. But, as any student knows, homework is never really over.

I have learned a lot about intelligently using microcontrollers, specifically the STM-32LR4. These are Cortex-M4 boards, which are used in microcontrollers. Chips that you have likely interacted with are Cortex-A chips, which are used in cell phones, smart watches, and things that involve the A for application. If I ever get the time, I will use my knowledge of interrupts and timers to improve the chronograph I have been designing. It seems basic, but until you set up the registers yourself, it does not make much sense. Speaking of which, I somewhat wish we had been introduced to a code generator called the Cube. There were some labs with so many registers to set up that we had to copy examples out of the book and proof for errors. I’m glad our professor believed that we could do things the smart way, but I maintain that the only difference is we don’t have the textbook in the field but we would have the cube. Part of it is likely that this is a class for electrical and computer engineering students and they will likely have to dive into all of that at some point. This was an introduction; that is, we now can program super cool robotic functions, but we have simply learned the ropes for now.

If you are a fan of chemistry, my plight will fall on deaf ears. I am not. I actually had a good professor for the course, but think of taking a course you have no interest in and still reaching for that A. It’s tough when the motivation is not there. I still got the A because grades are largely about commitment.

Physics was taken with the same professor as last semester. I, again, really wish we could have done cool, in-person labs but at least I did so in high school. Another thing I credit the Chemistry Department with is making the effort to send us lab kits, instead of relying on middle school-level simulators like the Physics Department. I, however, credit the Physics Department for giving us two-page lab handouts instead of the Chemistry Department’s mode of twelve pages. Both courses relied heavily on Pearson, had a recitation period, and a lab period, besides the normal class times.

Speaking of which, Pearson actually helped me meet my classmates. Because our shared struggle with software that will deny you unless you follow the formatting exactly (which they do not specify), everyone was willing to stop by for a vulgar Pearson bracelet. I ordered one hundred wristbands one night after swearing at my Chemistry homework. It cost about the same as ordering fifty and I felt a lot better. The best part was becoming a local legend for a week.

Calculus II contains about 25% real calculus and 75% random things that they forgot to teach in other math courses, like all sorts of series tests. I thought it would be twice as hard as Calculus I but it was of similar or easier difficulty, largely dependent on the professor.

Technical Communication is technically a junior-level course, but it has no prerequisites, save maybe English 101. Ergo I made friends with juniors, though they all seemed to be civil engineers. The presentation by a civil engineering project manager alumnus echoes into my internship: PowerPoint and communication trump all.

I know this may not be the most upbeat blog post, but I am still trying to find enough sleep. I went straight from school to internship and will continue to work 24 hours every weekend because it is a heck of a deal. I am glad I will not have to take 19 credits in a single semester again. Twenty-one credits were manageable, even with swimming, in business school (I was pretty dang busy), but there is no wiggle room with STEM credits, only studying. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get this degree because it is a gateway to doing what I love. Next semester, I will have more time to enjoy the ride as I lead the Robotics Club as the vice president, build a Baja racing kart with the Society of Automotive Engineers, poke foils at my friends, and maybe even meet my classmates, since we have been promised the return of fully in-person classes.

Today went exceedingly well. Not only did I have a better grip on this week’s calculus II quiz, but in my microcontroller course, the lab due date got pushed back a week! All that time I have been trying to recover has been reset, which puts me in a better place. Accordingly, I carved some time out to attend a 3D Printing Club fix-it day. It may sound mundane but there are only about three in-person meetings like this per semester and I have not had time to participate in any of my favorite clubs this semester.

While the 3D printing club waits for the above building to be finished so they can have more space, they have decided to go the way of the metropolis and build up. In order to fit all of the printers and materials, I and another student assembled a large shelf.

Who needs a sink, anyways?

When we were done, I returned to figuring out why a pieced-together pellet-fed printer was malfunctioning. We worked in small groups on printers and everyone had their contributions, which made it a very enjoyable environment. We found out that the auger was filled with molten plastic and I cleaned it with a pliers (the grey curly-cue on the printing bed), while the next guy stuck acupuncture needles into the nozzle and force-fed resin to clean it out.

“Is it hot?”
“Touch it.”

In other news, I got a Zoom group of calculus students together and my physics group agreed to meet in-person in the library. Making friends during a pandemic is tough, but there are ways to do it!

Our noses are all to the grindstone, but at the end of the day I am happy to be an environment where learning and asking questions is the focus instead of a burden. It is quite a shift from many working environments. Overall, I am thankful for the opportunities that have come before me and those that lie in store.

At the beginning of my very first semester at UMaine, the paper companies were all interviewing to be the early bird. I was so happy that five or six took me seriously enough to interview me. I was told to expect an offer, but then I never got it because they never got their COVID-19-specific clearance. After the career fair, I was fortunate to interview with five more companies, several of whom gave me a second interview, but I was ultimately turned down.

Over winter break, I decided that the next best thing would be getting experience either on the factory floor or in a metal shop and found a great opportunity in a kayak factory. You had better believe these fingers can hammer out a blog post after working there. I am grateful to my current employer who went out of their way to make sure I could start such a promising prospect.

No sooner had I started, than I was being asked to supply candidates for an emergency internship because COVID had such a large impact on their business. I would have been willing if it were a summer position, but since my class schedule is so delicate, I got several of my classmates in contact with the company. Recognizing that I had been a great help, they told me that if they have a summer internship, they will be sure I am reviewed as a candidate. At this point I was pretty excited because it sounded like an internship to me.

After I reached out to the engineering department, however, they had yet to put an internship together. It seems that the ‘if’ was an important ‘if.’ They still may, but either way, I helped out my classmates and made my bosses happy.

Today, I got an email. I got an offer from an internationally-known company that was at the career fair! The best part is that this opportunity is only a few miles down the road!

I realize that I am not your average freshmen, but I am still as green to engineering as any other freshmen in my class. I am so happy to be able to begin gaining experience so early and cannot wait to start the internship!

Photo from

In order to get to where I want to be, I know I have to put forward an above-average effort and grow. Last week was no exception.

As mentioned, the one-inch displays I got did not work. The first one was dead and the second one appeared to work but freezes upon startup. Without any online support, I was dependent on my professor for information, who only this week began realizing that it was not just me being incompetent, because other people were having the same issues. However, I dedicated too much time to the project before he walked me through Keil’s superior debugging interface.

The time I spent trying to get malfunctioning equipment to work took away from the time I had to do other homework. In-between work shifts, I managed to make some progress, but by the time I finished the lab, I scrambled to get all of my other assignments done and wound up turning in half of a Calculus II assignment. While the professor built in some assignment forgiveness, I still have to learn from that mistake not to let one thing monopolize my time.

This week has been all about recovering from last week. Finally, I am confident that I have gotten a good amount of next week’s work done and that I will not fall behind again next week. You could call it pay dirt.

Another reason I am celebrating is that the equipment for this week’s lab works and I have proven it! I got the stepper motor working with only one error (an extra zero in my mode register assignment). I know I will complete the lab and my homework by their due dates and I feel worlds better.

A video of the stepper motor on the Aspiring Engineer Facebook page

It’s a new week and a new project! I have been on my toes getting my three labs and homework done during the week while working 24 hours on the weekends but whatever keeps me on the path to engineering is worth it! I was inspired to write a post today because I figured something out that has puzzled me since I worked in New York last winter.

Since I am taking a course explicitly about wiring up a microcontroller, I naturally wish I could spend my entire week doing those labs. While that is becoming the trend, there are plenty of other things to keep me busy! This week’s lab started off somewhat frustratingly. We were supposed to be checking our button array code against an OLED screen. It just so happens that my brand new OLED does not work and it took until today to convince the professor of that. I am not the only student with a defective unit, but he thankfully traded me his working one while explaining that he had no extras…

My realization came from reading the textbook that my professor wrote. In order to understand how to flip the right bits in the right registers, we are researching data representation. Computers operate in zeroes and ones (binary), whereas we count in tens (decimal). A byte is a common organization of eight bits (the binary zeroes or ones), so other counting bases are used to accommodate that. We count in base ten, but hexadecimal (base 16) is commonly used in computing because it is two bytes long. Something I did not take into account is that octal (base 8) is also commonly used.

In my Seven Segment Display project, I was flummoxed by the fact that the numbers I fed the display could not have a preceding zero or they would come out completely wrong. I made sure my connections were to where they should go; numerical digits were being outputted, so that was not the likely culprit. I went through all of my code, line by line, and considered what I intended to do versus what I may actually be doing. In the end, I decided it was not an efficient use of time because I could not find the error. In that project, I did have to represent binary with the prefix 0b and hexadecimal with the prefix 0x. What I did not know until today is that octal is also a common base that the compiler supports. It is represented simply with a preceding 0.

This week, I began a new course called Microcomputer Architecture and Applications. To say I’m a bit rusty at C would be an understatement. How rusty?

Our first lab is the good, old standby hardware introduction: blinking light. Similarly to how one might feel as they move from VEX to Arduino for the first time, I felt completely turned around and backwards. The coding language I know and my knowledge of hardware are both insufficient. They have us getting down and dirty turning on our own clocks and doing bitwise operations in multiple registers simply to turn on a built-in LED.

Wouldn’t you know it? I have spent about 12 of the last 24 hours going back and forth between the various provided documentation and Stack Exchange to understand what is going in in the provided code. It took me about 10 hours to realize that I am simply modifying code for the first half. But what do you see here?

Success comes in many colors.

This also got me thinking about all of the bitwise operations that I programmed using higher-level language for the projects I’ve posted. The MIFARE and Arduino libraries did most of this work for me, at the cost of including more overhead in my programs. Maybe I can rewrite them more efficiently.

Our professor warned us that the learning curve is steep the first two weeks. Being the only mechanical engineering major in the class, I have my work cut out for me. Even though I could stumble through the lab in less time, I would rather understand why I am typing what I am typing, so here’s to being one step closer to competence!

I know I said I would be crazy busy and have no more time for posts but things keep changing! While I still am very busy, I got a call back from a place I had put out of my mind already. I advocate for people to get a flavor of what they want to do before they do it and I am now working in a manufacturing facility that makes kayaks! If you know Maine at all, your guess is probably correct. So far, it has been an exciting few days… it’s hard to tell if my good mood is from the people I work with or from the plastic fumes.

It seems I only get a few sentences in before people guess that I’m an engineering major. I guess other people don’t care that much about why there are heat pins in strange places or why they didn’t build stations differently.

In two days, I have trained on two different stations, since they are still figuring out where they want the new hires. The first station was probably the most fun because I got to press more buttons and make more machinery move. Today’s station had more people and the output was almost triple that of the other station. Suffice to say, my arms are feeling it! Alas, it was designed more efficiently, so I didn’t get to make as many things move.

Since they don’t want any of their secret sauce spilled, the only amusing thing I can really share is that I just noticed there are exercise plates riding around on the machinery to balance it. Strange to see them used out of context. Since I cannot provide a photo, I will have to let you imagine what I do on the daily, given this shot from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.


It finally snowed! I have been waiting all season for an actual snow storm. Maine should be snowy. So far this year, all we have managed is about an inch that melts the next day. But not yesterday. Yesterday dumped a good, old-fashioned, back-breaking, shovels-down, eight inches of snow on the ground. I have enjoyed it all day. The trouble is, I’m back on the road at 0430 hours.

Putting myself through college means I follow the money and right now the only available money is wiring a hotel in a larger city. At the same time, I will be taking a three-week winter course and preparing for a computer science course, then it is back to regular classes when I get home.

I do enjoy free trips to the city and my wife already plans to visit, so missing snow and a noisy furnace is not so bad. Maybe they still have some snow from the storm several weeks ago. I did manage to quiet the furnace down some and I got more areas of the house insulated, so I am okay with being gone.

What I will miss is any opportunity to make videos and advances on projects. The above will run through nights and weekends and after these three short weeks, my availability will shrink to even less than it was last semester. Believe it or not, I have much content planned, I just need time to get to any of it.

For the rest of the month, I will have my nose both to the grindstone and sourcing some wicked good eats. You may not hear much, but here is to hoping it pays off. Here is also to hoping for a much improved new year!

Happy holidays to you and yours! Today I was able to conclude my speed test. It required the construction of a small test apparatus and I only ripped the arm off of one sensor.

My stylish, new testing tower did exactly what I was hoping. I was having trouble reaching my target time with the wood beam and clothes pins because I would have to so precisely slip a piece of paper in-between both sensors at the same time that my times were impossibly high. With the new tower, the walls kept my wooden shim “shutter” in-line as I accelerated it towards the sensors. I theoretically could have exactly aligned the angle and brought the paper down at the exact right time (I did try, more than a hundred times). You can imagine the difficulty of being so precise with only your hand, a piece of paper, and sensors that are not in exact alignment.

My target time is 50 microseconds (that’s 0.000050 seconds). Whoever said that an Arduino was not suited to the task was wrong; just use interrupts and the proper sensors. My lowest ten results are below. The time difference between triggering each sensor is in microseconds and the count is how many times I had brought my shutter down.

Clothes Pin Block

Time difference: 308
Count: 12
Time difference: 928
Count: 13
Time difference: 216
Count: 41
Time difference: 660
Count: 44
Time difference: 1072
Count: 58
Time difference: 276
Count: 60
Time difference: 1060
Count: 64
Time difference: 728
Count: 65
Time difference: 924
Count: 66
Time difference: 412
Count: 73


Time difference: 12
Count: 37
Time difference: 80
Count: 45
Time difference: 140
Count: 46
Time difference: 88
Count: 50
Time difference: 56
Count: 52
Time difference: 68
Count: 68
Time difference: 28
Count: 77
Time difference: 28
Count: 157
Time difference: 40
Count: 162
Time difference: 32
Count: 171

As you can see, the tower was much more efficient at gathering good data. As you cannot see, each trial with the wood tower took much less time. I realize that if I only wanted to test the Arduino’s response time, I could have seen how fast it could spam the signal wire with pulses, but I did also want to verify my sensor response time and real-world viability. Plus, building funny-looking testing contraptions is much more fun.

Another win is that the sensors were exactly an inch and a half apart and still read without issue. As you can see, they are not even precisely aligned, so the new “test tube” that I put them on will definitely work as long as the viewing holes are large enough.

All in all, I am satisfied with how the circuit turned out. This is the last high-speed circuit test I will need to do until I weave it into a larger project. Stay tuned to find out what that is.

No sooner had I clicked “Publish” than I began getting anomalous results. I would check the connections, test again, and the count would jump by a few thousand per pass. Something smelled hot. Check the connections, test again, same problems. My plan was to finalize the circuit on the breadboard, tweak it, and then solder it into place.

Seemingly stumped, I vented my vexations to my wise wife, who suggested I skip a step and solder the sensors straightaway. She was right, of course.

It is important to note the limitations of a given setup. In this case, I could not verify any connection on the breadboard. Because things don’t just work well one minute and change their minds the next, I knew something had to be loose or shorting somewhere. Without knowing where, the logical next step was certainly a soldered setup.

I am still learning, so I will only show you the front of the protoboard. As you can see, even that is quite hairy.

Using my limited knowledge of braiding, I figured a way to braid bunches of four together after twisting together the pairs that were ending up in the same place. While I know from my internet cabling job that twisting pairs of wires can affect the quality of a signal over a distance, I think a few inches will be alright.

Your CAT 6 internet wires feature four pairs of twisted wires because some smart engineer somewhere figured out that the signals are clearer for longer distances when the length of a twist lines up with the wavelength of the frequencies being used. If you cut open the jacket of such a cable, it is quite apparent that some pairs are twisted tighter or looser, which is because higher frequencies have shorter wavelengths and lower frequencies have longer wavelengths. While a fun tangent, I put no such thought into my twistings, besides the concern that it might cause interference.

As you can see, the wires fell into line rather nicely. They are certainly easier to manage, even if they aren’t beautiful. At the end of the day, they are less likely to stress the soldering points when they are twisted and organized, as well.

One other thing you should note about internet cabling is there exists such a concept as cable porn. It is more akin to word porn than what you might be thinking. Googling such a thing ought to turn up pictures of extremely neat and well-planned bundles of network cables, perfectly combed and tucked into evenly-spaced clamps, J-hooks, and other cable management solutions. Given that I am a man who has never had the luxury of subscribing to such a time-consuming principle, though I do strive to be neat, I cannot assure the results of your internet search.

I plugged the ends of the wires into my Arduino and, behold! A Christmas miracle occurred. The planets aligned. That is both true literally and figuratively, as the Christmas star appears tonight because Jupiter and Saturn are so close, but also because my untested setup worked the first time it was plugged in. Any occasional small jumps in count could be accounted for in my not-so-surgical setup. Please appreciate your perception of the juxtaposed planets planets properly (it is cloudy here), and I will enjoy this successful setup as I sleep soundly tonight.

I have been very excited to resume work on this high-speed sensor project since exams started. Side note: I do regret not studying harder this week but am glad my hard studying the rest of the semester paid off. I feel the same way one might feel winning a scratch-off when I advance on the project, which is especially true this morning! I have been plagued by the issue of “bouncing” since before the arm-ripping incident put the brakes on the project.

The term “bouncing” originated from mechanical switches. Since computers are so fast, trying to get a clean digital signal from a mechanical switch usually means an onslaught of high and low signals for as long as the switch contacts vibrate from the motion. Most consumer products like game controllers or keyboards have circuit- and software-based protections against this, but every once in a while you may encounter a TV remote that flips several channels at a time.

Since I cannot print any parts yet, I will just have to work smarter than last time and take smaller steps. As you can see, I was careful to avoid taping my sensors so they do not rip, and instead twisted the wires and clipped in-line with clothes pins. Until I can fasten the sensors to their final position and solder, they will be at weird angles, so this allows me to angle them correctly.

It would seem my last changes to my circuit were not all helpful. To counter the bouncing, I tried the laziest but most conventional solution of adding decoupling capacitors. As in my Doubling Down entry, it is good practice but solved no present problem. Next, I added some basic code to ignore clustered, incoherent readings, which helped slightly. Finally, after paging through irrelevant research, I actually did my due diligence and collected a little data. 

I figured that if the Arduino is having trouble determining whether the signal is high or low, I should just make it harder to register as high. I did this by increasing the resistance at the junction of each signal wire. I successfully tested three different resistance values, coincidentally making it back up to the “internet-recommended” resistance that I snubbed in the last post. I am still not sure why the resistor would not register a signal in my earlier tests (perhaps my test had other issues) but it provided the cleanest test today. In the sample below, I printed out the count of how many times a given obscurity was registered passing in front of either sensor for each time I actually passed it in front of a sensor.


Count: 1

Count: 70

Count: 92

Count: 93

Count: 251

Count: 252

Count: 325

Count: 340

Count: 341

Count: 364


Count: 5

Count: 6

Count: 7

Count: 8

Count: 9

Count: 10

Count: 17

Count: 18

Count: 19

Count: 26

Count: 45

Count: 46

Count: 47


Count: 1

Count: 2

Count: 3

Count: 4

Count: 5

Count: 6

Count: 7

Count: 8

Count: 9

Count: 10

Count: 11

Count: 12

Count: 13

As is apparent, each increase in resistance significantly improved the reading. Without the bit of code that says “ignore that,” there was still a bit of bouncing. Any significantly higher resistance proved unreadable, so I believe 22kOhm really is the sweet spot, at least at room temperature.

One more challenge down, on to putting things together!

Ding Ding! I spent time this week tackling my next iteration of the 3D printed sensor tube. While I expected the first iteration to fail, I did not expect it to fail so fantastically. Thus, I have checked and double-checked my measurements and put a lot more thought into how I will attach things. Another advantage is I am not pressed for time; I have all of break to get it right.

This time, I did use good design intent. I still did use the same helical tricks from the last design, albeit sparingly, and I added a few things like using the wrap tool and variables. I added variables because trying to change the smallest thing in the last design required reworking every dimension, of which there were many. Now, by changing one variable, most things will scale to fit it because they are all codependent. This is much better design intent and allows me to change my mind or add different configurations in the future!

In the meantime, I will still be testing sensors and having to put all of the pieces together, so printing a piece that does not move or resize really should be the last thing I do. Stay tuned!

After hours of troubleshooting, I got my infrared LED emitter and receiver to work again! I am using a reverse-biased diode circuit as an extremely fast break-beam sensor (like what stops your garage door from closing when your foot is in the way). It is very difficult to test something when you cannot physically see the result (the sensors are infrared), so I had to break it down and test smaller things, instead of insisting that the setup should be correct (it mostly was until I started pulling it apart). Since it all worked before I put the project down several months ago, the lesson here is to use better documentation. Eureka, meaning “I found it,” is entirely appropriate given the critical errors I identified.

When I finished soldering the sensors into my fantastic, new 3D-printed tube, I assumed it would immediately work, since the setup worked before my last apparatus ripped the arms off of my sensors. I plugged and tried to play, but failed. This is a lesson in testing one’s work. I did not know where to start, since the voltages were too low to even power a conventional LED and the Arduino would not register anything. As far as I knew, I could not see infrared light and, since my sensors are past their shelf lives, soldering could have ruined them, as I have not kept them humidity-controlled.

After much playing around with the circuit, I soldered two more sensors and put them where the unnecessary retainer tabs had broken out of the too-large tube. Still having no luck in any configuration, I puzzled and researched and puzzled some more about how my circuit was setup. Eventually, I realized I should test my most basic assumptions, to see if the things I think are working really work.

I started with the Arduino itself. During testing, I had turned off the internal pull-down resistor, since the circuit I made featured one and could have made it redundant and the resistance too high. I wired a big, red button to bypass the receiver/transistor “switch” and pressed it a few times. Not seeing any readings, I reduced the impedance and tried again. Seeing nothing at this, I turned back on the pull-down resistor and held the sensors very close together. Finally, I got a reading. Regardless of the internal pull-down resistor, the impedance had been too high with the internet-recommended 22 kilo-Ohms. One kilo-Ohm actually worked better.

Next, I found out that you actually can see infrared light using your cell phone camera. I feel like I was late to this party, but now you don’t have to be. Sure enough, my LED was barely glowing. I had been afraid of burning out such a small diode, but reviewing the data sheet with upping the input in mind, I deemed it safe to do. I doubled the voltage back up to 3V and it glowed much more radiantly. I also put my mind to understanding more of the data sheet and discovered that they have metrics as high as one Ampere recorded. While neither I nor the Arduino are that bold, I figured a half-Ampere could not hurt.

With two of the three components now working, I took another stab at the invisible component. I took what I had learned from my research and threw out the recommendations, looking only at my own circuit. I rearranged it to my liking, unstrapped the test sensors from the tube, and held them close together. It worked! I had unstrapped them because I also made more sense of the receiver data sheet; it appears these sensors are very sensitive to angle. Sure enough, I was able to tease them apart while still getting a reading, only to about an inch and a half. While that is coincidentally (no pun intended) the diameter of my tube, there is no way the sensor angles would be in perfect alignment with my low-quality print. In fact, I had to use the soldering iron (professionals, shield your eyes) to widen the sensor bed because they had printed too small and were too fine to get a file or drill into.

It seems very simple, but the reason these test sensors did not rip apart this time is that I twisted the wires, to prevent any inherent pulling on the arms. Having cabled, I know that wires twist and pull in unexpected ways, even when left alone. Besides that, I used rubber bands, instead of electrical tape, to keep them on the tube. I feel smarter every day.

Though the intent was to print a cover to keep everything in, I had a feeling the first iteration would need revisions, so rubber bands did the trick instead.

All in all, it is a good thing that my setup failed, because I analyzed my circuit more closely and made some optimizations. I was able to reduce my cluttered circuit, since I no longer needed a voltage divider. I boosted the voltage from 1.65V to 5V for the LED emitter and raised its Amperage from 0.22 to 0.5.

On the receiving end, I threw out the resistor all together. Upon reviewing reverse-biased circuits, it turns out the only current flowing out is the reverse saturation current. This occurs because the diode is literally wired in backwards, so there is a wall of resistance on one end and the slightly higher voltage that results from light hitting the receiver, plus the voltage initially pushing on it, is what pushes a trickle of current out the other end. I’m not sure if my circuit was reverse-biased before, but it is now!

Also on the receiving end, I confirmed that it is necessary to use a transistor to amplify the signal from the receiver, since the Arduino cannot read such a small current. This is where I replaced the 22kOhm resistor with a 1kOhm resistor on the collector, which is also connected to the Arduino input pin. The pin must have an internal pulldown resistor turned on to work.

Since I was so emboldened by the data sheet, I threw out the 3V circuit all together and ran everything on 5V. I have spares. It seemed to work even better, so I kept it.

Once the circuit was working, I could play with the spacing of the sensors and the ease with which they registered. I have no idea how my television set can pick up such a signal from across the room, but with half an Ampere on the emitting LED, I could read it at a maximum distance of 1.5 inches, with just the right angle. The LED was getting rather warm with 10 Ohms, though, so I tested with 20 and 30 as well. At 20 Ohms, the LED did not get hot but was read just as well. At 30 Ohms, the readable distance decreased to an inch, so I decided 20 Ohms was the sweet spot at room temperature.

With all of these optimizations, I was able to significantly reduce the amount of wires on my breadboard. I will have to go back to the (virtual) drawing board and follow my plan from the last post of printing a high-definition sensor bed, contained by a lower-definition tube, probably with tabs in different, more effective places. I still like the idea of a cover, though, since I can open it up and work “under the hood” conveniently.

While the 3D printing will have to wait until next semester, I will actually be able to keep the project going. Since I have my “optimized” circuit, I can start soldering everything together so it will be plug-and-play as soon as the parts are printed. I can also design the parts to be printed now, since I know what I need and am more certain of the tolerances. I say “optimized” with quotes because we are actually covering circuits next semester. Most of the math I used was V = IR. My knowledge consists entirely of high school physics, Electronics for Dummies, and some helpful online resources that explain components and commonly-used circuits. On the bright side, I will be traveling partially up the electrical engineering tree to add more emphasis on the control side of engineering, so I should have a much better grasp in a few years!

I have been playing around with infrared photodiodes and slowly testing them. Ideally, I want fast photodiodes that can catch a momentary break in light. Without realizing that the refresh rate of these devices are literally on the data sheet, I bought some handy, dandy Adafruit sensors, only to discover they did not work for my purposes.

After a discussion with my engineering friend, Seth, who does things like this all day, I found some more appropriate sensors… when they arrived, I again discovered that I had ignored other key features on the data sheet. They are 2.5 mm wide! I’m not sure what I thought that dimension referred to, but my rolled paper tube apparatus gained me one good data point before my sensors broke apart (see “You Win Some, You Lose Some“).

The fun and easy-to-use, but too-slow break beam sensors from Adafruit

All that is to say, I decided that 3D printing a sensor cradle would be a better option. The only problem? I have never 3D printed anything before! Yes, it does seem absurd; my classmates have been doing it for years. Well, it’s true. Before school, I had started designing a part using the free software, Tinkercad.

As you can see, I was limited to making shapes that consisted of a conglomeration of other shapes. In some cases, it was useful to just drop in a “negative” shape (like the clear shapes in the pictures), but in others it was downright time consuming and limiting. I had intended for the CBS logo-looking things to be wrap-around points for the wires to keep the stress off of the sensors. As you can see in my next design, I got a little more creative.

UMaine made me buy a copy of SOLIDWORKS, so I decided to step it up a notch. I threw everything I had learned at this new model. I even learned a few new things, like wrapping around a shape with the helical tool. I consulted with the 3D Printing Club lab techs to ensure my tiny design features were even feasible. They seemed reasonably confident that it would print alright, and there’s always the option of taking a drill and a file to it afterwards. I figured I would design the part as I wanted it and see what failed upon printing.

I tried to slice it in a way that would not put scaffolding around the entire print. You can see how far the printer got before it ran into an error. Despite having the physical puck in my hand, it still did not occur to me that the piece was twice as wide as I should have dimensioned. Those little mathematical errors give some very interesting real-world results.

What’s more, the campus is shutting down due to COVID concerns about people returning from hot spots after Thanksgiving Break. I got a notice last week that the last day to submit a print was Friday, so I crammed for a full eight hours after class to get the part print-ready in time.

We settled for the all-over scaffolding and the lab techs printed with a hotter print head this time. Overall, I am impressed with what a .4mm nozzle did. my tiny .45mm and 1.8mm holes came out correctly, as did the rectangular bed for my 4-pin wire connector. I wasn’t sure how tightly I could tolerance the design, and it appears that the limit is the square holes for my sensors, since they are too small. 0.2mm seemed to be enough in most cases.

Going forward, I think I will separate the design further. My intent was to have an outer shell that simply slides onto this cylinder. I have various tabs for the pieces to click together. Given how brittle the material is, I will have to modify those tabs. I will instead use the high-resolution resin printer to print the sensor cradles and just leave a place to insert them on the body of the tube. I will also be sure to use better design intent, since I cannot just drag the size up and down without editing most features individually. For now, I will have to see what of this I can still use because otherwise I will be waiting until the spring semester to resume this project.

The resin printer is on the very top right of the shelf. Can you tell how excited the 3D Printing Club is that they will be getting a bigger space once the new engineering building is completed?

Today I got to help out a master’s student with his walking study! I became the Bionic Man!

He hooked me up with sensors that he had programmed himself. Painfully… with tape… on my leg hair. The point of some sensors were to vibrate to provide haptic feedback to get me to extend my leg to a certain angle. The rest were to actually measure the angle. Just think of some red Sparkfun circuit boards encased in plastic with some tape and wires attached to my shanks, thighs, and feet.

The scene that greeted me when I walked in the door.

I wanted to get you more pictures but since I was there to help him out first and foremost, I left my phone outside of my pocket so it would not affect my gait. Plus, now you don’t have to suffer through my video application to the Ministry of Silly Walks.

The room where we started. We actually walked outside, but this may not be his only study!

He wasn’t very chatty, so I still am left to guess if this was done purely for amusement or if he can actually use the data from making me slink and lunge for 200 feet at a time.

This is one of the best parts about being on-campus; getting to experience others’ work and passions. I may not know exactly what he is aiming to achieve, but I can appreciate all the work I could observe, from his methodical experiment structuring to the work he put into developing sensors that he had synced to his phone to walk behind his participants and collect data. There are brilliant minds all around!

Last year, I was so excited to start my journey into engineering that I snuck into the career fair to gauge what kind of opportunities I could look forward to. Being computer-bound this year, I am glad I did!


The virtual career fair and the in-person career fair are obviously quite different, though the differences were not all bad. The first difference is that there was no one to lure us simpletons to their booths with shiny baubles and light-up pens. No sirree! Somehow, Sappi still managed to get a shiny steel pen into my hands, though.

To start the recruiting process, I attended information sessions facilitated by the Pulp and Paper Foundation, which is an independent foundation hosted by the University of Maine. While typically they would have gatherings with food and handshakes, this year they had virtual information sessions, starting in September or October. Being firm believers in “the early bird gets the worm,” the Pulp and Paper Foundation has its “Decision Day” on November 4, which far antedates the recruiting timeline of most companies at the career fair. To be “fair,” they did put in the effort for several months beforehand.

I discovered that the paper and pulp industry is actually quite fascinating. While for many, the words “paper industry” bring to mind dull images of The Office (one presenter actually boasted that their boxes are featured in the background of the show), a paper mill is anything but dull. The entire operation functions as a big machine. Depending on how large the operation is, they may even start with wood stock and grind it down. The pulp needs to be dried, but rather than waste the heat, most facilities convert that thermal energy into electrical energy. Machines control the entire process, so while chemists may get the R&D department, “mechies” play around all day in the liability and maintenance department. They don’t just keep the machines running, they are actively reorganizing machines for each job, testing and adjusting, and sometimes even implementing multi-million dollar builds. I learned those implementations are called “capital projects” if they are expensive enough and fall outside of the regular “operations” realm of setting things up. A paper mill is, like any other engineering feat, a train of logic that takes an input and gives an output. And that’s where the fun is; a person could spend days learning the process of just one facility… and imagine the understanding required to affect the outcome by changing just one aspect of the overall process!

While the Pulp and Paper Foundation is amazing at putting opportunities in front of us, I didn’t want to stop there. I would of course accept a handsome Pulp and Paper internship offer, and certainly improved my interviewing skills trying, but there is so much to explore in the field of mechanical engineering! I had to see more, so when the 2020 Fall Career Fair came, I loaded up my meeting queue and had quite a fun afternoon learning about different companies!

One positive difference of a virtual career fair is that I had no pressure from everyone else who wanted to talk to a representative. The reps gave me their time and often extended it so we could talk more. While my aim is to get at least one offer this year, I am also just fascinated by what all of these engineers do.
I spoke with a defense contractor, who designs systems that shoot ordinance that can explode at any distance. He was on the systems control side, so his questions about my projects were a little over my head (for now), but I hope I can knock his socks off with a novel project one of these years.
There was an electrical engineer from a generator manufacturer who was previously unsure of whether a master’s should be his next step or a career… he had one internship and now loves his job so much that he hasn’t looked back! He is a UMaine alumnus.
He taught me about how, in general, there is a design side and a manufacturing side. Everyone wants to be on the glamorous design side, but there is just as much ingenuity on the manufacturing side! We trend towards the things we know we like, even though something like manufacturing requires the same kind of thinking and is rewarding in similar ways to people who try it.
There was a giant utility grid company who promised to get people away from their desk and into the field to gather data, which they could then digest in the office. It is a fun thing to do for anyone worried about being chained to their cube!
There was a snow plow and vehicular equipment manufacturer who promised to teach their interns how to weld. Engineers there work closely with all departments to collaboratively produce new equipment and the processes to develop it. They offered prime insight of how engineers are expected to work with other people, which is a recurring theme if you have watched my engineering interviews.
I also virtually met with a rep from a large conglomerate who has a turbine facility nearby. He told me all about how they are stripping down and rebuilding their factory processes to be “smart” processes, so that machines can actually adjust themselves and fix errors as they run, which can save a lot of time otherwise spent troubleshooting and resetting on the floor. “Setup” is a four-letter word that factory operators shout when their machines break down.

All in all, I found that I spent much more time talking to reps in the virtual fair and less time wandering around a gym trying to locate companies with relevant opportunities. The recruiters were very positive and passionate about their work. It was wonderful to be in a place where, instead of saying “you’re going to need five more years of that before we’ll consider you,” they were expressing “I know you’re still learning, so let’s get you some real-world competence so you can crush it!”

Having been to college career fairs in the past that literally featured the local grocery store, I am blown away by the quality and quantity of employers the University of Maine and the Pulp and Paper Foundation have attracted. What’s more, they actually act like they want us to work with them! With so many opportunities on-campus and beyond shimmering around me, I can’t wait for what comes next!

From week 3 to week 10 has simply been packed! School is a whole-life kind of commitment. On the weekends, when I am not at my desk, sometimes my wife and I have fun going pumpkin picking, and sometimes I author creative verbal expressions trying to get fiberglass insulation through a tube that was rented to us clogged. Other weekends have had us blinking at the early snow and I finally tinkered with the furnace fan enough to get it to stop shrieking (the little victories get me by). I am not sure where the time went but I assure you that my blog and projects are still underway!

I was hoping the clubs I am part of would be able to increasingly meet in-person, but since COVID took a turn for the worse, we are doing more CAD designs in the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Club and the Robotics Club and staking our hopes on the future. In the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the meetings are mostly to plan a tentative spring RC boat competition and 3D Printing Club is still managing to staff the 3D printing room, even though most meetings are virtual. Swim Club and Blade Club (fencing) have been shut down completely due to the uptick in COVID. I never knew fencing was so much fun, but I look forward to its return whenever the world is safe again. And when it is, I can finally enjoy making these CAD designs with the people who appear on my monitor every week.

School will be completely remote after Thanksgiving, so any content between now and Spring Semester will likely be project-related.

On a different note, I found out what the strange-looking sailboat is in the lab! It is a hydrofoil trimaran (triple-hull catamaran). As it picks up speed, the hydrofoils lift it out of the water to reduce drag. Professor Wilhelm “Alex” Friess, Ph.D. had a hand in making it. He focuses on lighter-than-air drones (think mini-blimp) and competed in the 2004-05 South African America’s Cup Challenge, which explains why he was interested in making the trimaran. Team Shosholoza, the team he was on, is a yacht racing team representing Royal Cape Yacht Club of Cape Town, South Africa. UMaine is packed with passionate faculty like him!

While I am no longer trying to figure out new learning technology, things have not slowed down! There is plenty of homework to keep my classmates and me busy, clubs are finally all meeting, and the career fair is next week!

Leaves decorating the campus mall

The coolest thing about studying engineering is that employers want us! As strange as it is (being a first year), I have already had several interviews for summer internships because this college is doing a wonderful job of putting opportunities in front of us. Whereas at my alma mater I felt like the real world largely ignored us, real companies are knocking down the doors of UMaine to source brilliant candidates for lucrative positions.

I finally got back in the pool as a part of the Swim Club. I may not get another chance because the regulations due to COVID are so stiff that it is hardly worth it. Despite having straw for hair and constantly having dry, chlorine-smelling skin, lap swimming feels amazing. Which leads me to an aside: much of time spent looking for some way to procrastinate is really just my body telling me to exercise. Perhaps it is the same for you. When I have exercised, my mind is alert, aware, and ready to focus. I think Teddy Roosevelt was onto something when he claimed that diet and exercise is the key to happiness in Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. Equally important is doing what you love, as Larry Daley initially proposed. In fact, my latest interviewee would agree with that! Check out my interview with a biomedical engineer on my YouTube channel.

The door of opportunity? Actually, where the Blade Club practices when it’s not raining.

The other clubs I have been regularly attending are the Robotics Club, Society of Automotive Engineers, and Blade (Fencing) Club, which is as much a battle of wit as it is good exercise. When the lunar mining robot and Baja racing kart start to take shape I plan to share them with you.

One cool thing is that my hobbies are starting to bleed into my academics. One example is airsoft; since I took the time to understand how the BB guns work enough to repair mine, I had to learn all about the gears inside. Now in our mechanical engineering intro course, we are learning all sorts of gear names, most of which are featured in a standard electric airsoft gun (AEG) gearbox!

Examples of students’ hobbies and academics mixing. I think at least one of the projects in this room is being made for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Club and the others seem like Senior Capstone projects.

Also in that course, I got to see some good examples of a resume that put mine to shame. Resumes are important and optimizing them for people and computers to process goes a long way. I have recently found that there are websites that you can submit your resume to that will report to you what a resume reading algorithm would see. I was surprised when I got mine back! Do your research before your email or documents with any website.

The career fair this year is completely virtual. I am glad that I snuck in last year! In a physical career fair, it is very helpful to meet people face-to-face. You remember each other better when you hand your resume in and it is also easy to get cool flash drives, flashy pens, and neat bumper stickers. Hey, if you don’t leave with a job, at least you got something! Experience, that is.

This week, the college clubs finally all had meetings and, as usual, I have been studying hard.

Because COVID has made it so difficult to study in groups, the professors at UMaine have really taken the initiative to make sure we have all of the resources we need to learn well. In addition to asynchronous (not live) online videos, they have been more than happy to help me in their office hours (using a Zoom meeting room), by email, and by promoting things like the Math room and the Mechanical Engineering tutoring center, where you can either walk in or schedule a Zoom meeting to get help in a course. Having tried most of their resources, I am able to stay on top of my course material and grasp what is being taught quite easily (with the required effort).

I am very thankful that I took the time to study this summer. In these three weeks, I have used everything I reviewed from Precalculus and I am able to slip right into the course with no problem. Also, the professor is very good at reminding us of the precalc we will need for the unit, so anyone who needs it may study.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) club is hosting a cardboard boat race this Saturday! Check out my YouTube channel around noon, Eastern time to catch the event. There is a good chance you will also witness my swimming ability.

My last discovery is that all of the boring data sheets and technical specs are suddenly getting more interesting. First, it was the shift registers and break beam sensors that caused me to look very closely at the data sheet. Presently, we are being introduced (briefly) to materials properties and how to select them. Suddenly, measures of strength and stiffness jump off the page at me.

That’s all for now. Be sure to check out my Facebook page and YouTube channel, as I make sure to keep the content fresh for each! This week, there are many more colorful photos of cardboard canoes there.

I have some good news! By staring at a screen to go to class and do homework daily from 8 am to 12 pm, I am proving that I can stare at screens all day without necessarily getting a migraine! Okay, it’s a slight exaggeration. I drive home and eat and go to work to stare at a screen. It can seem a bit much, but I would rather do extra work now to make sure I won’t fall behind than get in the habit of procrastinating.

Me, deciding whether my paper tablet is a true convenience or a poor excuse for a modern Android devicewhile doing math homework.

Some real exciting news is that these clubs I am interested are starting up. There is one called Black Bear Robotics, which is run by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) club. I also checked out Engineers without Borders, who bring mostly water to resource-starved villages through their inventions. They seem to have borders due to COVID, unfortunately. I will update on clubs as they take place.

What I know so far is that Black Bear (our mascot) Robotics participates in a NASA challenge to build a rover that would be able to dig up ice samples on the moon. They also volunteer for the VEX Robotics Competitions around the state, which is something I wish I had been a part of in high school. I at least got to play with VEX in the Intro to Engineering class that I thought I would never use. I believe the ASME club has competed in cardboard canoe races (that’s something I have done in high school), so it is not far-fetched for me to speculate that they probably made the concrete canoe you see in the picture.

They said steel couldn’t float, so why not try concrete? This actually was once seaworthy.

So far, my classes have been mostly focused on laying the groundwork for whatever is to come. So far, I have succeeded in not blowing anything off as irrelevant and have caught lots of details I would have missed. I know I have to learn things as they are taught here, even if I may know a similar version. If nothing else, the content is interesting. There is nothing more satisfying than learning a thing you know you want to use. Since my courses have a heavy virtual focus, I have yet to play with any of the cool toys below that I found in the engineering building, but it appears there could be some exciting labs coming up!

Is it a mechanical backscratcher? Perhaps a butter churning device?

Another thing I am excited about is the groundbreaking that has begun on the new engineering building! It will supposedly be completed by my junior year, which is great because that is when I will actually know how to use the things it contains. It will contain brand-new lab spaces. The biomedical engineering department will get the third floor and we get the rest to ourselves! Just imagine a shiny, new building standing on top of this dirt pit!

School is only a week away! I have done a lot more to prepare for this trip to school than before. Quality preparation means capitalizing on what’s ahead. I can only really advise based on my own experience, so as with all free advice; take it with a grain of salt.

Things that I did to prepare:

  • Apply early
    • Applications are usually accepted on a rolling basis. The sooner you get your application in, the sooner you’re considered. Keeping good grades will keep you at the top of the stack; universities have nothing to judge you by besides your “resume,” which in this case is your GPA. Plus, let’s face it: most of us will procrastinate and apply close to the deadline, so there is less competition earlier on.
  • Check for scholarships
    • At my Alma mater, Ripon College, the only way to pay normal rates was to get a scholarship. A word to the wise; private schools will try to get you into a cost bracket. You may have a band scholarship, academic scholarship, athletic if you’re in D1 or D2 NCAA sports, or what have you. The bottom line is if you are desirable (i.e. the valedictorian or exceptional GPA and accolades), you’ll get a better scholarship, but if you’re anyone else, you can still pay “reasonable” rates with a blanket scholarship, or just buy your way in.
    • At UMaine, the only way to get a scholarship is through their federally-funded or NCAA-funded scholarships, besides getting a private one. I haven’t had any luck with private ones and both my NCAA and federal eligibility have dried up, since I have participated already and do hold a degree. All I can get are loans since I have been paying them down, but you may still have these options. Federal grants are a boon if you go to a cheap state school. The hidden option D is apparently departments can give scholarships to anyone at all, so you know what I will be striving towards.
  • Audit the program
    • The scariest part to me is dropping into a program and not knowing the expectations. I did some probing and asked the department head to shadow a few classes before I applied and even got a course summary after the shadowed class, so I know what I will be expected to learn. I don’t have to learn it ahead of time, I just need to make sure I am at a level where I can learn the course material when I get there.
    • I was much more naive about Ripon. I bought into their “student days” marketing and pitch on amenities. Make sure it’s a place you can tolerate and then ask lots of questions about the program from people who have gone through it and from the professors you will actually work with! See if the school is highlighting things in your program that align with your interests. Which leads me to my next point…
  • Know thy path
    • Whether or not you have money, “you can figure out your major as you go” is a money-taking lie. If you don’t have a goal yet, I found that a few years in the workforce much better motivation, both to understand what I want and to understand how what I want fits into the rest of the world. It’s easy to lie to yourself when all you know is what other people tell you.
    • You don’t have to go to college to be successful. I said it. Consider if your goals require you to dedicate years of potential real-world advancement and money to achieve. My best work opportunities (which I had to pass up by moving so much) were less impacted by my undergrad degree. The factors that gave me the most sway are work ethic, knowing someone, and asking around until I “know someone.” LinkedIn exists for a reason.
    • If you are not limited by money, figure out if your desired field will take you more seriously by the college you attend. I have a friend in law school who passed up a full ride to pay money at a more prestigious school. I thought she was nuts, but she now makes more money in a summer than I do in a year.
  • Prepare for hidden costs
    • It’s fairly easy to find the cost of tuition of a college. Dig a little deeper and you will find room and board fees, how they are structured, and whether you are required to stay on-campus or not. If not, consider the cost and availability of off-campus housing.
    • I have gotten lots of advice to knock out my gen eds at community college. I took AP classes the first time and have gen eds from the last degree this time, but it seems like money-saving advice at face value.
    • Miscellaneous fees: when you finally get your college bill, your jaw may drop. At Ripon, a private school, I hardly had any additional costs. The bill has tuition, a room charge, boarding, and a $150 activity fee. UMaine, a state school, charges for “Digital Textbook” (required, not from the college bookstore) – $88.61, an Engineering Program Fee – $200, Student Health Insurance (which can be waived if you have sufficient health insurance) – $2264, Campus Services (“Unified Fee”) – $1030, Communication Fee – $15, Recreation Center Fee – $154, Student Activity Fee – $53. If I had not made sure to be an in-state student, I could also expect double the cost of tuition. So, at first glance, it would appear that state schools are cheaper on the whole. Once you get in, though, the nickel and diming starts. Choose the path that is best for you because future opportunities and miscellaneous expenses will obscure the true cost.
  • In the words of Shia LeBouf and Nike… Just do it!
    • If you can get a taste of what you like to do through work or through hobbies, do it! Every job will contain some sort of undesirable that you get paid to overcome. The key is finding what will leave you with a feeling of satisfaction when you look back. Keep in mind that the people you work with and your own mental health are significant factors of enjoying a job.

Today is officially my last day working full-time as a network installation technician. Technically, I really only had one day of work this week, since that’s the way scheduling goes sometimes.

Being home feels like coming out of a fog; I can actually do things at home and maintain them! I’m not just talking about cutting my lawn with the new, retro lawn mower my wife bought. I actually cleaned all of the papers, boxes, tools, and dust that accumulated in my office since my wife sanded the floors. It feels good that I can actually enjoy that, instead of rushing off again. I had a laundry list of little fixes on the house that were still there when I woke up in the same city, so I did them and now I get to enjoy them. But the best part is that I am in control of my schedule again. That means that if I choose to dedicate time to studying every day, I can make it a habit. No more staying up until one in the morning because the internet doesn’t work.

School is just a week away. I am both excited about the people I will meet and the possibilities that my hard work will open up, and terrified that I am no longer working full-time, have to conquer calculus all over again, and will have a boatload of course work to keep up with.

Since my calculus professor kindly sent out a link to a study guide, I have realized that I am indeed rusty. There is hope, though; the most difficult part of learning is remembering! And when professors give us memory tools like the Unit Circle, it is to my benefit to study it.

I believe I am less arrogant this time through. I previously had difficulty distinguishing the difference between intelligence and ability, even though I consciously knew that they were different. I define “ability” as the result of mastering one’s study, and “intelligence” as how quickly a new concept clicks. Unlike in high school, I can’t just “get” whatever is in the course or suffer through it if I don’t study; in this environment, it is up to the student to proactively pursue an understanding of the material.

In this case, I am attempting to get a handle on precalculus again. I was a terrible precalc student. All I remember is the notion that it would be quicker to remember a few values than learn the whole unit circle, though I am not sure if that was my attitude or that of the teacher.
In high school AP calculus, I had no choice; it was sink or swim and I had a very capable teacher. I had to put in 110% effort to pass, which I did, but that was years ago and I must put the pieces together again.

The most important takeaway actually comes from my high school choir teacher. It doesn’t matter if you want to sing a piece or not, you do have to like it. That is to say, even if the subject is difficult, learn to make friends with it.
When I first looked at the study guide, I freaked out about what I didn’t know, thinking it was going to be the death of me. Over the next few days, I took the time to learn and it really hasn’t taken that long to understand the things I thought would kill me. I “made friends” with the course material and it is much easier to learn without viewing it as a threat. How well do you really know something if you hate recalling it?

This is my last Journal post before I add a blog section specific to school and launch a YouTube channel to allow for more diverse content. I will still write Journal posts, but in the meantime check out the new media!

As I visit my home, I have the pleasure to meet people I have known for a large portion of my life. There is no replacement for an old friend, including who I met today. He is both old and a friend (and his reaction will tell me if he reads this!).

This old friend has been a mentor since I was in the Boy Scouts, helped me build my Eagle Project, and is an engineer himself. He has much life experience to draw from and credits his wisdom to the many intelligent people he interacts with. He left me with some wise words today.

His first point was about hunger. I don’t mean the word’s literal sense; I am talking about that hidden desire to achieve one’s dreams, in spite of difficulty. He was considering factors that would set me apart from any other student and asked me why I am going back to school.
I told him that I was very disappointed with my life after realizing that design and critical thinking would no longer be a necessary function of it.
He said that creativity is the most fun you can have at work if you are a creative person, but then asked what causes hunger.
“A lack of something?” I supposed, munching on my sandwich.
That is exactly the point. I am hungry because I have lived without this thing in my life that feels a part of me and I want to build it back into my life.

Why are you hungry? What will you do to succeed? Will you dare to fail forward or will you let the fear of failure drive you away? I started with the latter and am sufficiently fed up with it. Now I am hungry for success, in spite of the challenging curriculum and late nights ahead of me.

The second point he made is that we don’t succeed alone. He is wise because of everyone he has met with experiences different from his own that he could learn from. He said that college is not about just getting through it, but getting the most you can out of it. I don’t just want to graduate. I want to thoroughly embrace my future. He said that even if a person can pass Calculus, Statics, Thermodynamics, Statistics, Structures, etc. alone, they will still benefit far more by forming a group to get through it all with. Besides, engineers never work in a vacuum so why train that way?

Because my experience differs from yours, my reader’s, I hope that the support and wisdom I enjoy from the people around me can push you forward in your own life. We’re all in this together.

Despite my best efforts to stretch my materials, I wound up placing another order to Digi-Key. In the meantime, I had to focus on organizing my college course list. It is quite exciting! Luckily, I get to skip a lot of general education credits since I have them, so I can insert one to two courses I would have had to take in the future, every semester. Time is money, especially when paying for college courses, so committing to AP and local college courses is absolutely helpful.

My order to Digi-Key finally arrived this week, so I got down to business making a prototype circuit for the high-speed infrared break-beam sensor I have been testing. If you recall, my genius friend, Seth, pointed out that my last sensors were not fast enough. I ordered an absurdly small LED and photodiode receiver combo and managed to solder them to wires, but had not been able to test them until today.

The combo actually did work. I had a little bouncing going on, but as I started to investigate, I noticed they were not working anymore. I unrolled my super high-tech apparatus and found the above… the little square on the electrical tape is the poor LED with its arms ripped out of their sockets and the receiver is hanging off of the end of a black wire. So… it worked! And then it didn’t.

It may be time to consider a new method of attachment. I was thinking of cutting up a proto board so I am not stressing the arms. It would certainly be easier to attach to.

In other news, my real job has resumed! No more washing walls for me! In fact, this whole week I have learned about and gotten certified in fiber optics. It is a mind-full, and also fascinating until you are required to do it many times over.

Next, I will be back on the road, so my project progress will likely slow down. I hope the rest of the world comes back online soon. Until then, stay safe, my virtual friends!

As everyone is aware, the world is on standby mode. During the COVID-19 crisis, we are all advised, or forced, in some countries, to stay at home. Thankfully, in America, we are not forcibly kept at home, they just shut all of the fun businesses down. Being mindful of my obligation to my fellow countrymen, I am making as few trips to the store as possible, to minimize the likelihood of spreading any disease. To that end, I’ve had to improvise a few things in order to keep the projects flowing.

The first is this lovely portable fan I soldered together on Easter. I took a defunct airsoft battery I was going to turn in and wired it to hook up to the fan and a charger once again (I keep the plugs when I turn them in). The result is a pocket-sized fan that I can dangle or prop up just about anywhere to keep the fumes from wafting into my face. Clearly, I chose function over form. Ironically, I inhaled a good deal of smoke while making this… the air exchange hose only does so much when nothing is blowing the smoke towards it! I wanted to go out and buy a fan, but decided to stay home and flex my creativity.

The tiny piece in the alligator clip is the LED I was trying to solder. If you were holding your breath since the Facebook post, please exhale. Also know that I was successful in soldering those tiny pieces to wires. At least, I will have to assume I was until I can test them with the following…

In order to use such small components, I need to ensure I am within their operating specifications. That means learning to read the data sheets properly. I learned that I need between 1.3 and 1.7 volts for the LED… the Arduino will only supply 3 or 5 volts. Additionally, I was constrained by the necessary 100 milliamperes, but only have resistors ranging from 200 Ohms on up. Luckily, I remembered what I read in Electronics for Dummies and my physics notes and didn’t let the threat of old ‘Rona stop me!

In a series, the only thing I can do with resistors is stack them. However, in parallel, the more resistors I add, the lower the equivalent resistance becomes. To that end, I was able to save a trip to the store for a resistor to complete my test circuit.

The second problem is stepping the voltage down. I do not have a voltage stepper. I do, however, remember that the voltage between two resistors can be as low as half of the initial voltage if the resistors are equal. I may have used all of my 200 and 220-Ohm resistors, but it worked! The proof is below; pay attention to the blue multimeter readings:

The initial voltage across the two AA batteries.
The voltage across the battery terminal and the first resistor; what I will be using to supply the LED.
The resistance across the first resistor bank. There seems to be a bit more resistance than calculated, since I have so many low-contact connections and thin wires.*

Next time I get a few hours to work on this bad boy (I thankfully found a “necessary” job), I’ll likely be using a transistor to amplify my infra-red receiver results to the Arduino. Stay tuned!

Finally, I am just too excited not to share about the computer I was required to buy for school. Obviously, I got my pick, but I wanted something powerful to have fun on the weekends that allowed me to easily stare at it for hours of classwork that did not break the bank. I am happy to report that my eyes fatigue far less on this screen than any other I have used (not for lack of research) and I can finally purchase the offspring of Minecraft and Robocraft; Space Engineers! It would not run on my old laptop. There is not much real engineering to be had there besides creativity and problem solving, but that is why we buy games.

Happy Easter to those who celebrate and I am wishing good health to you all!

*Update: Soldering pins apparently make poor breadboard contacts. I brought the resistance down to around 36 Ohms using regular wire leads.

I have finished cracking the code of this card reader. This is really going to be a summary, since I intend to use the card reader for another purpose.

The last problem I had was how to write numbers to a card reader whose library only passes strings. I was far too zoomed in on this problem. Anyone who regularly codes would tell you that you can store anything you want 16 bytes at a time.

I started by throwing in “easy” solutions that I’d already coded, without really thinking. And my results were, of course, rubbish. I tried to parse numbers into the 16-byte array. Since the computer will organize the numbers according to data type, this approach was doomed from the start, lest I want to rewrite the low-level code that does that.

The solution that I needed was remembering that arrays are nothing more to pointers to a blocked-off area in memory. Each step forward in the array is equal to the size of the data type that you tell the array it is. Since this library expects a 16-byte long “something,” the arrays I used are ‘byte’ or ‘char’ arrays that are 16 units long. I can decide where to start in the array if I assign an ‘int’ (4 bytes long) and the compiler is not going to complain that I sent it something larger than 4 bytes. Then, come time to read, I can tell it to start at whatever point I started when I wrote, tell it that I want that data stored as an ‘int’, and I will get back whatever ‘int’ value I stored. Again, this seems simple – and it is – but the key is just thinking through the process.

I also did take a look through the .h and .cpp files of the library. While it did help in understanding parameters, I am still grateful to the thread I mentioned in the previous post. Not everything is self-explanatory, no matter how well-labeled the code is. The magical commands to get the RFID module to restart are:


The next step will be playing with infrared break beam signals, likely discovering that the Arduino does not refresh fast enough for them to be useful to me, and also discovering that I want to use an LCD display instead of a seven-segment display. Playing with low-level nuts and bolts is fun when the system is simple, but I am willing to abstract a little to get what I want.

If you’re anything like me, you are inclined to simply Google basic functions of a project, find the right forum, and get some tips and tricks on how to do what you are doing. This is fine for general inquiries of any sort! Where it starts to get tricky is when a specific problem arises and there is little to no online documentation. What then?!

Luckily for me, I searched long enough and found a thread that contained my answer. The problem was this: in the example code that dumps out the contents of the card, the program automatically restarts. Thinking this was how the code worked, I presumptuously went ahead and built a small function and tried to execute some bare bones calls. They worked… once. Bit by bit (no pun intended), I took apart the code until I was just left with the RFID library calls I had been using and some flags, so I knew where it was stopping. The OP and I were very grateful that Toby244 actually understood what he was asking.

Then I got to thinking… there has to be a better way! If there is a library, there ought to be a way to read it. Dear reader, if you have been following in order, you are either very bored and know the answer or you are as green as I and will verily enjoy this. Simply open the file of the library you downloaded and… viola! All of the information I have been citing from the internet was already here. The Last-Minute Engineers’ information was derived from this file. Everything from wiring diagrams to protocol explanations and abundantly more information was included. As any good developer ought to, Mr. Balboa summarized every function in his .h file.

An image from the support material provided by Miguel Balboa in this RFID library.

If you are at all wondering about how to use a library, I beseech you to just open the darn file and start reading. Some may be lacking. This one, especially in the context of connecting to an Arduino, is chock-full of valuable information!

I had a wonderful opportunity today to talk to someone who has both been in the shoes in which I am about to be and has the mature perspective of a university employee. This man entered the university as an older-than-average student and has since headed a research team at the Advanced Structures and Composites Center and leads the high honors student group (eligible by his own achievement). He gave some good advice regarding balancing an engineering work load and getting the most out of my time on campus.

I mentioned my concerns about math. Both of us had passed AP Calculus and spent several years without touching higher-level math. While I think brushing up has certainly helped, he reminded me that the college is there to teach; “do the homework, make sure you understand it, and it will be fine. The stuff you’ve learned will come flooding back.”

Regarding courses, he informed me that Physics is the weed-out class. It will take 15-20 hours of studying per week – the same amount of time that a high-contributing work-study student would put towards his job. He shared similar enjoyment of physics, though; it helps you look at the world differently. Suddenly, you understand things. Problems become easier to fix because you see the root cause and the factors you can change.

I was advised to take the first semester to feel out how much time I need to study and to establish myself before applying to any positions. Most of the time, whoever is hiring will judge you by your GPA. He hired two students the first semester and one did not show up and the other quit after training because of his heavy course load. So it is important to learn how one will handle his academics before adding more courses to a heavy course load or committing to an organization.

I asked if it was possible for a student to have both an on-campus job and be involved.

“Most definitely,” he responded, and then rattled off a handful of organizations he either led or was a part of, in addition to his student job. “See all of the opportunities you can find and try out the ones where your passions lie.” Going to the club fair at the beginning of the year is a great way to get organized. Specific to UMaine, there is a group called Engineers Without Borders that actually goes abroad to build things. Neat!

The bottom line was this: “Work to understand and retain everything you can,” he told me. Then he reconsidered. “Understand everything you can and be able to reference information you have learned.”

My takeaway was this: it is true that much of success is due to opportunity. This golden informational opportunity arose because I asked questions instead of waiting. Instead of demanding answers from the person at the admissions desk, I understood he did not have the power to fix my problems and decided to have a conversation with him. He turned out to be an awesome guy. He referred me to two people who might be able to give me more information. The first simply told me to apply and good day. The second was the man I just had lunch with. And since opportunity is random, I pass on the reassurance he gave me, in case you were looking for a similar opportunity.

Thank you for bearing with me during the long pause between posts. Working seventy-hour weeks for several months makes advancing my projects harder but I did still manage to eek out some studying between eating, sleeping, and working. One thing this job does bring me is fun conversations on the plane.

One plane ride, I talked the whole way with a business owner who ran several restaurants. He taught me mostly about management. He prefers to keep his “drinking buddies” separate from his work associates because it is much easier to keep someone accountable who does not have personally entangling ties. When you are the boss, it is important to be the boss.

Tonight, I was fortunate to meet a man on his way from a conference. This man is a real estate investor who flips and rents properties. He reminded me that I do not have to do everything in order to be successful. I simply need to do what I am good at and be resourceful in finding out how to do the things I am not. Sometimes that means knowing a person who can do it and other times it requires thinking outside the box – in his case, not relying strictly on bank loans. In my case, he pointed out that I am better at thinking analytically than marketing my product. If I were to think like an investor (that is, to sell value instead of time), I would take my prototypes, register them, and bring them to someone who knows manufacturing and marketing so more people could benefit from the value.

We also talked at length about happiness, success, and wealth. We have to set goals that we have no idea how to attain yet in order to be successful. If these goals solve someone’s problem we are more likely to make money doing it. As we progress towards our goal, we should mark our progress and ask if we are still doing everything we can to reach that goal. Happiness should be available at every step along the way; if it is contingent on success, it will never come. He noted that whatever we focus intentionally on will eventually manifest. If I focus on making money, I will do it because I will ask myself over and over what I can do to get there, and figure out the little steps along the way. In order to be happy in my career, I have asked myself what I can do to get there and you presently read my progress.

Whatever your goal is, I hope you are happy with your progress. We talked about believing that college is necessary to advance my goals. When I said an investor like he would probably think I was silly for going back to college, he stopped me and pointed out that I know what I need along my path. So, whether your next step is college or another commitment, I hope you are sure for yourself that your actions are bringing you closer to your dreams.

The next project is getting my RFID RC522 card reader to work. I plan to use it in combination with other projects I have completed and have yet to start, so stay tuned. I decided to try out Arduino’s Leonardo board, which is half the price of the Uno, for this endeavor.

If you are even somewhat familiar with Arduino, the project is super easy to get started on because of all the tutorials. One thing to note is that the Leonardo has its serial pins located on the bottom of the board between the two main rows in the picture. Serial pins are used with on-board protocols to communicate with other devices. Expecting the pins to be in the same location across all boards will lead to error, so best read up if you choose to use a Leonardo!

The first step was to understand what exactly the RFID device sends to the Arduino. This is, of course, abstracted by the accompanying library. If you are using the same hardware (RFID RC522), I found this tutorial quite helpful in getting started. Be sure to read the notes in the dumpinfo file, as they are the authority as to which pins to connect where, based on your board, for the library. Connecting your pins to the right places will save you hours of testing (I know this by experience).

Using the available information, you can quickly put together a project that will report an RFID card’s UID and a matrix of other information. I initially made a lot of assumptions about the tag and reader. My first assumption was that the tag does not store information beyond its own identification and that all data was handled by the third-party system that the reader is connected to. According to the link above, the tag that comes with the reader can store about 1 KB of information. This is as much as the EEPROM of the Leonardo, which is the persistent memory outside of the flash memory that stores your program data. I also assumed that the reader was only a reader and could not write. That is also false.

Under these assumptions, I learned all about how to use the electronically erasable programable read-only memory (EEPROM) of the Leonardo and made a few functions to format and test the memory. However, being able to write to the card itself requires additional research and may offload some of the memory maintenance. This redefines the project, so I have some homework to do!

Merry Christmas to you! Since I finished the air exchange installation, I felt obliged to do some soldering before I headed back on the road for work. Even though I haven’t soldered since we moved, the little knowledge that I had was refreshed quickly. What you are about to read is ugly, so remember that this whole blog is a testament to prove that if I can do it, you can, too!

Once I made certain to tin the tip as it warmed up, I was able to make a few satisfactory practice welds by holding the side of the tip flat along the lead with the tip top against the metal contact on the circuit board. While both the tip and my hand were warmed up, I decided to whip some joints out on a real circuit board I need for an upcoming project.

As I warned you, this post contains some ugly content. The joints on the left are a little scant but the best I could do by holding the iron to the board for a few seconds. I can only get better from here, so this is my first virtual soldering mile marker.

You can see on the tan proto board my earlier handiwork. I did some adhesion and removal of wires and pins and thank goodness I had the sense to ruin a worthless piece of plastic instead of fry a chip on an overconfident first attempt. The burn marks are a warning to make sure my iron is just hot enough to get the job done, so I am only holding it to my work for a few seconds.

My biggest struggle is between keeping the iron hot enough to melt the solder and keeping the tip tinned and shiny, before it oxidizes. I think I ruined a few tips out of the box because I did not tin them as they warmed up – the shiny, factory-applied stuff just burns right up within thirty seconds of being hot and my flux-core solder does not stick to the tip anymore. Even the tip restoration videos could not help. Good thing I bought spares. By my estimation, my iron is at about 700 degrees Fahrenheit, which is on the high end of the acceptable range for my application. Lead-free solder requires a bit higher temperature anyways and the problem persists at lower temperatures, so I just decided to proceed and manage the problem until I understand it better.

I feel satisfied, having been confident enough to take a stab at a live circuit board. I know that this is just the beginning!

I have done some searching and realized the obvious… it is impractical to use a two-foot sprocket. The space it would take and the added cost means I should use my brain more than I am. Instead, I figure I can use arms to accomplish the same end in significantly less space.

Brainstorm number two

One thing I realized about TinkerCad is you can only save objects up to about a foot and a half because it assumes you want to 3D print everything you are making. My bottom plate kept disappearing when I tried to add an intrusion, so heads up.

Take a good look at that foot-wide gear before it disappears!

In all of the refiguring I am doing to accommodate the arms, I have to keep in mind the simple gear ratios I learned about in my high school stem class, Principles of Engineering and the measurement of a circle we learned in sixth grade math. In order to maintain two revolutions on one side to one revolution on the other, I will still need a sprocket with half as many (equally-spaced) teeth as its counterpart, to be connected by a drive chain. My arms will result in movement twice the horizontal or vertical distance of the radius of each revolving arm, which will be transmitted by a longer arm attached to the end of each revolving arm.

The process was long and I needed a few days at home from my busy, on-the-road job to accomplish it – but the air exchange system runs!

Things would have gone much quicker had I been able to use flex duct in the attic and in the outbound runs like usual. One look at the mouse mounds in my attic (see just left of where the pipes split in the left photo) and under the piano room and I tediously commenced running hard duct and insulating it. Like a good engineer, I researched all I could in order to keep cost and labor low, but the only way to keep a mouse out of a tantalizingly warm duct system is to make it out of metal. This gave me an opportunity to test out two different methods of insulating the ducts!

The first is to simply buy fiberglass-insulated flexible duct and pull the fiberglass sleeve off of the flex duct and over the hard duct after all joints are sealed and screwed down. As it turns out, there is a trick to this! Leaving the flex duct compressed is much easier to get the sleeve onto the metal duct than separating them first. This is just as relevant to a DIY homeowner as it is to you mad scientists building an experiment!

Some advice to all of the handy husbands out there, make sure the project you’re doing looks good on the home interior or you may face opposition on the next one!

Master bath looks good.
*Do note… that is an ugly paint job, not mold! It kept away our competition.

Kitchen looks good.
The closet bathroom… will be getting a chase.

Though installing it was my bane of the month, because it was properly planned, the pipe jungle in my crawlspace is actually quite effective! I hit three birds with one heavy stone. My inbound air stream, outbound air stream, and dryer vent are all vented through the area under the piano room. I did put down a drop cloth this time, so as to not kick up so much dust. But insulating the elbows still took a long bit of crawling into and out of my now sixteen-inch doorway.

To compare the two types of insulation – bubble wrap and fiberglass – I thought I was hands-down going to regret not bubble wrapping the attic, too. On the contrary, once I figured out to keep the flex duct inside the insulation sleeve while I pulled it over the metal, I would have preferred to do fiberglass than to cut and seal all of those bubble-wrapped corners. Lack of space is the leading cause of that preference, followed by needing a second roll of tape. I sealed every pipe connection, seam, and elbow, then every seam of both insulations, in order to maintain a proper moisture barrier. Talk about tedium. Buy a tape spatula so it all lays flat if you decide to run a bunch of pipe. An old credit card works for a small job.

So, at long last, I can return my focus to building my engineering skills. I have a conveniently-placed air return in my office so I have a solder fume sucker, ventilation for my kitchen and bathrooms, which will save our wooden windows, fresh air to keep my brain functioning year-round, and we no longer have to hang our clothes next to the wood stove to dry. That’s everything I wanted to do by winter, along with insulating over our kitchen, which my wife helped with, which means I should be able to space out my free time to better include engineering pursuits.

The Solder Sucker – to be used with flex duct.
An example of the condensation on our windows we will no longer be experiencing.
A warm kitchen, at last!

I realize now that my original design probably would not have worked. I think it centered around two rotating plates that would pass the cable back and forth but I think it relied too heavily on a human twisting the cable the right direction, i.e. with my hand when modeling it. That’s why I had to go big.

The new design has a few more gears thrown in there. I started with a brainstorm at the most abstract level of the machine — the actions it will need to perform — and worked my way down to how it would perform those actions. Whenever I got stuck, I just thought “what would Arthur Ganson do here?” and there was usually a way. If you haven’t seen his kinetic sculptures at the MIT museum, I highly recommend it. The only other reason to go is if you like yacht history.

The brainstorm: convenient how readily-available circular modeling equipment is!

My first few sketches were done in the notebook my wife got me for my birthday. It comes with an app that allows you to scan your work to your cloud of choice and uses erasable pen. At the end of a few iterations, I realized that there was some real-world critical error and easily wiped away the design flaw to redraw it. Despite the advantage of such an easy drawing mechanism, when I was finished, I realized that I would be the only one to understand the drawings. Even a top/side/front view of each mechanism would be confusing. So, in order to approach the problem like an engineer might, I turned to CAD (Computer-aided design).

I have not actually used a CAD before. When I was twelve, I used Google Sketch-up to model my “dream room,” but that hardly counts. I found out through a simple search that AutoDesk does offer a free version called TinkerCad. While it is basically a glorified shape editor, it does offer the ability to save designed objects as a sub design that you can use in any other design you are making. It also has a small library of user and developer-based templates, such as gears, helices, and the like. At the end of the day, it was fairly easy to figure out and a good way to get my feet wet.

There are already a few things I ought have done differently from the start. I mostly used the CAD because it was difficult to express my design in three dimensions. Certainly any old-school engineering veteran would tell me I just need to work on my technical drawing skills. I did not actually scale anything yet. I would wager that, by the time a professional has reached a computer-based rendering, there are a great many variables he would have calculated and would almost certainly know the intended dimensions. My loops will be a foot in radius, there needs to exist a 2:1 ratio between my main gears and the wheels have to move at the same speed as the main gears. That’s all I need to know at this point. The better question is: where do I source all of these things from?

I am still slow because I know I am paying too much attention to detail, since this is only a sketch. It is fun to play with, though, and I can enjoy not being on the clock while “tinkering” with it.

Five years ago I worked at a lights and sound event company for the summer — the same company my dad works at. The boss liked me because I always showed up on-time and did anything he asked. My job had me mostly in the warehouse putting away trunks full of cables from shows, sometimes pulling cables out for shows, and once in a while I would even get to set up or tear down a show.

The one thing I could always count on was the tangled cable bin. That was where all of the cables went that customers wrapped instead of coiled and/or that got tangled too badly to spend any more time on. The cables are all expensive, though, so it was my job, every day, to untangle those tangled cables, which I got very good at. By the end, there were days where the bin was empty. It served as a reminder to always coil instead of wrap — that is, make sure each loop goes one way, then the other, then one way, then the other, instead of all the same direction like an old telephone cord.

Most of the trunks of cables would have to be recoiled to fit in their designated shelf or bin anyways, so my arms got very tired coiling 50, 100, and 200-foot cables of varying gauge. One day I sketched up a machine that could supposedly coil a cable just by pedaling it. I showed it to the boss, since this would inevitably save time. He heard me out but ultimately dismissed the idea, saying that was why he had people like me. I knew it was a long shot, but I felt a little deflated the rest of the day.

Today, I received a text from my father saying the boss “still wants me to invent that over/under cable wrapping machine that you crank by hand.” Granted, I have no idea what my original sketch looks like but also, what? The idea must have grown on him for the last five years!

I know the boss is a frugal man and that it is still likely he will turn it down again… but that won’t stop me from taking a stab at it!

I did buy a better soldering iron — one that actually heats. A professor told me the keys to becoming an engineer are mastering the skills of CAD, math, and soldering. While I cannot spring for the latest and greatest CAD software and expect to have time to use it, and I am already reviewing math, I can at least learn the basics of soldering when I am home from work. That requires a well-lit and ventilated area. Since I install air exchange units, I have the latter covered. As for the former, I grew tired of a swivel lamp doing a sub-par job and taking up space in front of my face and depriving me of desk space, so I took another trip to the hardware store…

The air ducts are connected to an energy recovery ventilator, which passes the thermal energy from outbound air to inbound air and keeps the soldering fumes away from my respiratory system. Until I own a place, the ducts run from the breezeway, through the living room, to the work room, which my wife has been kind enough to deal with while I run the unit.

The lights are motion-activated within a few inches and dimmable. If I were to ever sell a work station like this, the lights would come standard. The difference they make is literally night and day.

I realize that code is easy to get lost in, especially since everyone’s approach is different. For the most part, I have glossed over the code behind making the displays work, but since it did take a significant amount of doing, I figure I should at least give it a mention. After all, if you have read this far, you deserve to know!

In the interest of brevity, (since everyone has their own way of doing things), I will limit the amount of code I explain and mostly outline the logic I used to make the project work.

I use a 2×3 int array to control the state of each shift register. That is, each int is comprised of the data intended for its respective shift register, which I can then cycle through as I dole out alternating values to the seven-segment displays. I multiplexed the displays; I am only lighting up digits 1 and 3, and digits 2 and 4 together. If the displays were not multiplexed, I could only light up identical segments of either digit on each two-digit display if I wanted to light up both digits. I could write “4488”, but not “HEHE”.

I have a function that takes in the four-digit number I want to display. If you are code-savvy, skip ahead. Depending on your application, you may want a safeguard to ensure only four digits are passed. I accomplish this by parsing only up to four digits into a 1×4 array using the magical modulus operator (%). In a “for” loop with four iterations and having set the variable magnitude to start at 1000, I use the code:


We only care about the remainder each time because we always divide by the power of ten at each respective digit, then modulus 10, which isolates the specified digit as a remainder.
For example, 5000/1000 = 5. The remainder of 5/10 is 5, so that number is stored as the first in our array.
If I had only an input of 4, then there would be three remainders of 0 before the magnitude variable reaches 1:
4/1 = 4. Remainder of 4/10 is 4. Our array is now [0, 0, 0, 4].

I am using three shift registers, which results in 24 bits to be passed, and have 2 seven-segment displays. Now that I have a parsed input, I use a series of nested “for” loops to fill a 2×24 array (use whatever small data type you want – I arbitrarily chose byte to save space) full of the appropriate 0s and 1s. This is where my library, which is called by switch cases, becomes useful.

Now I have all three shift registers’ input data mashed together as one, long 24-bit array (okay, it’s a byte array, but I am only saving a 0 or a 1 in each byte). I am ready to chop it up into the 2×3 int array I mentioned at the beginning. As an aside, I have a few lines in my digit_library() function to determine if we are writing a left-hand digit or a right-hand one, instead of having twice as many entries. This is determined by whether we are on the first 3-int array or the second and passed along appropriately. Ultimately, the bits are in their final mold and can be displayed using regularly-timed display commands, alternating between lighting digits 1 and 3, and digits 2 and 4.

With only one shift register, I can only power one display and still need two pins on my micro controller besides the three dedicated pins. I want to power both seven-segment displays using only three pins on my micro controller, so I am going to have to add two more shift registers (three, total).

My barrier today has been data order. What worked for one shift register does not work for three. Why not? I have double-checked and triple-checked my wiring, I am certain that all of the shift registers are wired in reverse, as intended. Yet I feel like I am back to day one because I am getting gibberish and random dark digits again.

Indeed, data order is the culprit — in several ways. The first is that each data packet that I send needs the clock, data, and latch bits included. I’ll call these the control bits. If you are an experienced electronics engineer, that may seem obvious, since I am operating three different registers. But to I, who see that each of the control pins are directly wired to the next, it seemed as though all three bytes of data could be sent with one setting of the control bits and each byte would cascade into the next register when there was no more room. The solution can be ascertained by carefully sending packets and changing one bit at a time, logging each attempt. Eventually, one might see that the gibberish happens every time the ninth bit changes. Secondly, the shift registers were wired so the pin connections would ascend in one direction and the registers would ascend in the other. That is to say, my order was 17-24, 9-16, and 1-8, instead of 1-8, 9-16, and 17-24. Once I reordered these (and thoroughly checked the wiring!), I could afford a brief celebratory transmission.

All looked well, so I commenced to writing a library of the numbers I will use. Since you have read this far, you are clearly interested and may benefit from my small library, which is just a byte array. A cleverer person would have used a two-dimensional array, but I am a simpleton. Remember, I wired mine in reverse for convenience (because MSBFIRST and LSBFIRST seem to both result in the most significant bit first), so user beware. The library is at the bottom of the post.

All was not well, however. When I illuminated all four digits, I noticed that several were dim or whole segments were missing. I attributed this to low voltage. While researching other people’s errors in this commonplace project, I decided that ensuring I had decoupling capacitors would be a good idea. This was a good idea, but was not the solution.

The solution was timing. The points at which the first and second displays were turned on (I multiplexed the displays) left an uneven amount of time between commands, so one would be on longer than the other. Simply rearranging the code so the displays would light up and turn off in a more regular fashion resolved the problem.


Library below:

byte zero[10] = {0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0};
byte one[10] = {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1};
byte two[10] = {1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0};
byte three[10] = {0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0};
byte four[10] = {0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,1};
byte five[10] = {0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0};
byte six[10] = {0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0};
byte seven[10] = {0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0};
byte eight[10] = {0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0};
byte nine[10] = {0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0};
byte dot[10] = {1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1};

This method intends for switch cases to call each stored character.

Now that I have a basic knowledge of how to use these displays, I have undertaken the task of wiring them to shift registers, to save space on my micro controller pins. I am using the 74HC596 shift registers with my Arduino Uno. This requires pins dedicated as a clock pin, a data pin, and a lock pin. Sacrificing these three pins to one shift register grants eight output pins, each holding a high or low signal based on the data packet sent to the shift register. Adafruit provides a great overview if you are curious to know more.

The first challenge was being certain of the right pins to connect to. I could connect an LED to each shift register output pin and test them individually, but since I already am certain of how the display works, that will suffice. I cannot stress making sure the wires are connected enough. I have had to decide whether I want to write the data in reverse or rewire the shift register in reverse order and my biggest problem turned out to be wiring it wrong the second time around. Two misplaced wires will take thirty seconds of your life forever… just kidding it can take up to an hour because I will question everything I know before questioning my wiring.

The nice thing about this shift register, as opposed to the cheap displays I am using, is they actually have proper documentation! I only printed about three pages of this but a little homework can save a lot of time.

I decided to start simply, to isolate each set of problems that will arise as I add layers of complexity. That is to say, I put aside the shift registers for now, since I have enough pins on the Arduino to get one display working.

The difficult thing about seven-segment displays is they can be made many different ways, and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for differences between them. Mine does not have any specific online documentation. This is the closest I could find, if you really want to check your circuitry. I found no accurate pin-out; every display seems to vary. No matter; I am approaching this scientifically and will figure it out for myself.

My first attempts to light the display were in vain. I was energizing all pins, which is a good way to get none of them to light up. I was wondering where the dedicated ground pin was and it appears that any segment can be a ground, but one does need to be a ground.

My second observation is that they light in the opposite way I would expect. Grounded pins (low) light up their segments and pins on “high” — that is, pins that are supplied positive voltage — produce dark segments.

My last hurdle was recognizing that there is a “left digit” pin and a “right digit” pin. That cleared up the confounding gibberish that would occasionally occur as I tested various segments. It seemed illogical that, for example, lighting pins 5 and 8 would give me one pattern and just pin 5 would result in a seemingly random pattern that may or may not include the previously-lit segments. One of these left/right pins always needs to be lit and they are lit in reverse of the other pins. That is, high actually is on and low actually is off for just these two pins. In that way, it is possible to light up every segment on the display, because the pins will never all be high or low.

One topic I must include, for the sake of completeness, is that of coding. While it would have been more scientific to begin with an analog method of testing the circuit, I decided to put my knowledge of bitwise operations to work. I remembered from my C++ assignments that writing “0b” before a number tells the program to read it as a binary number (zeroes and ones), rather than in the traditional base ten that we count with. Despite this knowledge, solving the left/right pin problem while implementing the software made me question whether I knew the code or not!

While it took hours of experimentation, starting with less layers made lighting the display possible. Now I can be aware of the quirks at this level so I may have some insight when I run into problems at a higher level.

Sometimes, you need to let something boil in the recesses of your mind before it prompts you to action. Several years ago, I bought an Arduino, because I liked playing with robots in my high school engineering class. I saw a plug for Arduino in the back of our Getting Started with Processing (a simple coding language that Arduino adapted its syntax from) book that my Introduction to Programming 101 course taught from. Naturally, it is more involved than those closed systems like VEX that we used and I’ve been trying to use all of the sensors and do-dads forever without much to use them on.

I settled for a simple project, to enhance the sport of airsoft that I so enjoy. I thought it would be simple. I even bought these shift registers online because I just read about multiplexing and Charlie-plexing a seven-segment display. My Arduino kit just so happens to have two double-digit displays! This is what I will focus on for now, since it is turning out to be a lot to learn.

At this point, I could call the desk done and leave it as a high-backed desk. But that was never the plan.

I should mention that the “finish” of this project is simply stain. It will not be outdoors, I just wanted to keep the wood nicer longer since I will be filling up the pores with oil from my hands otherwise.

Finishing fancily, however, refers to the shelf that now sits above and folds out with the work surface. I measured the distance from the attachment point on the desk to the hinges and duplicated that distance on the shelf. I left a slight overhang of the support rods to stop the legs when they are fully swung open.

Please enjoy a corny unveiling of my portable work space that I have included against my better judgement.

Below you will see the work station all set up and ready to stay… or go. That’s the point.

Now I finally have room to work at my computer, tinker with airsoft gearboxes, and solder when I replace that awful Walmart pen!

If I were to make this desk again, here is what I would do differently. While I was eager to stain it, perhaps a coat of polyurethane would have sealed it nicely. Or I could leave it as-is and leave myself notes with pizza grease. Another thing I may do is add a slim strip of wood under the shelf or along the edge for added support. It works great to put all of my tools and materials that are not currently employed but I believe it could be sturdier. If I did not want pegboard, I would buy some rods, cut them to length, and bend a small circle on the ends to provide stability. I would not undertake another project like this without a power saw. There’s something to be said for a hard day’s work but also for that day having been made easier. Finally, I really want to put hinges on the back beams so I could fit this in the Outback if I wanted to. Then I would install a carrying handle on the wooden piece beyond the desk surface. I have not because I would probably have to prop the shelf up another way and I am loath to cut this completed project in half.

If I were to make a variation of this desk, the possibilities are endless. There are as many ways to make a collapsible table as there are people to imagine them. I could use a roll-out “mat” of wooden bars stapled to a cloth backing and roll the legs up inside. I could use metal interlocking legs. The writing surface could break in half and the legs fold into it! Perhaps I will make another some day for someone else. To me, the joy of a challenge is the creative solutions that it inspires.

You may notice I got a bit ahead of myself before I took any pictures. Cutting with a handsaw just gets me in a rhythm. I kept having flashbacks to Scout camp; I’d take a tree saw and you would not see me for hours. I would come back dripping with sweat with a pile of firewood or an armload of spars for my next lashing project. Man, my troop made some awesome structures out of sticks and logs.

Back to the present day… while wandering around the hardware store, I happened upon a great solution for the saggy desk problem. I want to use composite for my desk, but I remember that even the school desks of my youth were made of composite and would sag. Don’t ask me why, I just really want an ugly work surface that I can stain and not feel badly about it. While walking through the shelving aisle, I realized that the standards to hook shelves into come in the same lengths as the 2’x4′ composite board I had in mind! With a few, precise hacks, the corners came together and… viola! A reinforced desk surface that adds no vertical bulk.

I have previously expressed my intention to use piano hinges and was not disappointed by this one. A few, bores into the metal and the hinge is now anchored to the desk surface. It’s all coming together, now!

The major points to consider are how to get the desk to be large, sturdy, and collapse into a flat panel. As with the modular wardrobe project, I want to be certain that it withstands the stresses of moving and time, so I will tend towards increased bracing than saggy surfaces.

I believe the easiest way to achieve desk legs without sacrificing legroom and thickening the folded profile would be to install folding, two-dimensional panels that fall in behind the desk surface when closed. Since it will not be moved regularly, I have an idea that I could integrate the rear vertical supports and hinges using dowels. If the dowels are covered on both ends, downward pressure will still be resisted and they can serve as a sturdy joint to swing the legs out upon.

I have been searching high and low for turnbuckles that I could use on the back of my desk. Having found none of suitable length, I will just use the pegboard I have been fantasizing about as my anti-sway means. In retrospect, I suppose I could have cut some rods to length and bent the metal, but I would also rather have the pegboard.

Having just moved to Maine, I have absolutely no tools to work with and no means to get them. What I have is a $10 drill, a hand saw, and an idea. Thankfully, we have a breezeway in this apartment where I can make some sawdust.

I could not bring my desk with me from Wisconsin due to space constraints. I would have had to unscrew everything, just to fit a small, weak Walmart desk into the 5×8 trailer, which means sacrificing things I actually enjoy using.

What if, instead of leaving a desk at every place I move to, I just build a workstation I can take with me? This makes sense even financially; spend $100 on a desk that sort of suits my needs or invest that $100 in a space that maximizes my ability to work and I never have to sacrifice due to a move.

My wife is getting anxious that I do not have a desk yet, since I used to use one frequently. Well, that, and she does not think the living room table is a suitable substitute. I suppose it is time to do something about that!

I am happy to report that we have made it to our new home in Maine all in one piece! Furthermore, this modular wardrobe of mine was just the ticket!

It fits quite nicely in our new bedroom and has made our journey much easier. Cheers!

In all, I am quite satisfied with how this turned out. The boxes may easily be lifted off of each other, the doors have been shimmed to work in unison when stacked, and it has a ridiculous capacity!

I added a few extras, which cost little time and vastly increased its usefulness. I added a small shelf in the unmentionable box to alleviate the pile of socks and underwear that used to be my top shelf. It is held together by friction and fits snugly. Secondly, I added locks to the doors so they do not open on the road or when being carried. You will only see one in the video since it is easiest to add the locks as each is unstacked.

You can briefly see the wardrobe I am replacing in the second video. The cabinets fit very nicely in the back of my Outback. They should go into a trailer with no problem!

If I were to make another, I may use piano hinges on the doors. They are low-profile and easy to ensure the axis is parallel to the intended edge. I would probably make a simple box out of half-inch panels without a frame, since construction would be easier and more precise, and the weight would likely not change much. Another thing I would do differently is use the router my parents-in-law just gave me. My wife told me that this cabinet looks reminiscent of Minecraft. To each their own. I enjoy this project every day!

With our big, cross-country move coming up in at the end of July, I need to wrap this project up! There are so many loose ends to tie up but any extra time I have has been dedicated to finishing this cabinet.

After some quick Googling, I decided on polyurethane. It seemed like the least-maintenance solution to seal this wooden wardrobe.

My investment in a cheap orbital sander has paid off. In order to keep the wood from being prickly and snagging all of my clothes, I sanded, applied a coat of polyurethane, sanded again, and added another coat.

Applying a clear finish seems deceptively simple. My first step was to line the ugly garage floor so I would not add any stains to it. I don’t ask why Dad cares about keeping dirty concrete clean, I prepare like a good Scout would.

To avoid having plastic sealed onto the surface of my cabinets, I stretched out the plastic with some wood scraps to elevate the construct. This allows my edges to dry completely and increases the amount of time I can spend covering these, inside and out. They still take a day to dry, I still have to clean up drips and redo trouble spots, and I still have to flip them before continuing, which means at least four application sessions. The benefit to elevating the cabinets with nice, clean panels is I can cheat a bit and, as soon as the application is dry to the touch, flip the cabinet and continue. The bottom corners always require special attention, anyway.

The screws are raised so the heads are not filled in.

All in all, these are coming along nicely and Dad can’t wait to have them out of his garage and into my apartment! I am giving him a hard time here — he does support me and that is important.

One thing I had to consider when designing the frame is where I will fit the panels in. In some cases, like the doors, I favored a panel sandwich. On the sides and top of the boxes, I tried to squeeze the panel exactly between two boards. On the back, I simply fit the panel over the frame. I tried to stay away from simply placing the panels on the inside of the frame, lest they be knocked in. At least it would keep the clothes in, but that may be too flimsy for a box meant to survive multiple moves, with only tacks to hold the panels in-place.

You may notice that each of the boxes’ sides varies somewhat. I was still trying to find the best system. Either the panels have to exactly align with the soft edges of the frame on the outside — as a sandwich — or I must strive for the straightest cut a table saw will yield. In all cases, I chose the latter. I even conceded that having the panels inside does look nicer, keep the contents from pushing them out, and protects the paneling when stacking. Since this method requires extreme precision on less-than-perfect frames, I even wound up shimming a strip of paneling back into the top of one box with some wood glue — which one I will never tell!

Each box is an improvement on the next. They were all intended to be uniform, but I would rather take advantage of the opportunity of multiple iterations. This applies to both how they were paneled and how well the screws were hidden. I hope I never have to take box #3 apart.

To keep the boxes rigid, especially because they are intended to be filled and stacked upon each other, I had to boost their strength with diagonal braces instead of triangles cut from the ends of scraps. In this case, I was happy to have extra wood. Don’t tell Ikea, but a wafer-thin backing is not always the sturdiest way to steady a box.

Because the front still wiggled, I did find a use for those triangles, after all.